Mothers' Union

A small country hospital, supervised by one English lady doctor and one English nursing sister, in the depths of India - such was the subject of an excellent and moving film shown us by Mr. Hibbert, of U.S.P.G. Leprosy, ring-worm and other illnesses were to be seen in the patients but often it was simply malnutrition. We saw hard work against odds but also the rich reward of time and skill dedicated in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. The area, Chota Nagpur, is an official famine area at this moment; the rice crop has failed.


Young Wives' Fellowship

Many thanks to Mrs. Noble, who so kindly opened her house for our Cheese and Wine party on 2nd May! The appetising display of cheeses proved to be purely incidental to the evening's activities, which included games and a Dutch auction as well as the welcome opportunity for conversation. Thank you very much, Molly, and all who helped you; it was a marvellous party.

At a short meeting on 16th May Mrs. Noble talked informally about Capetown. This session will be concluded by meetings on June 6th, and 20th. All who wish to go to the Garden Party at Challock Lees are urged to attend on 6th.


Women's Institute

Mrs. Herbert was this month's speaker on "Safety in the Home," - two films were shown and Mrs. R. Allen proposed the vote of thanks. It was decided to change the proposed Autumn Fair into a Spring Fair, to be held on April 27th next year - thus allowing more time for preparation - the weekly working parties to commence from the end of June, every Tuesday afternoon at Mrs. Ingle's home.

Mrs. Kelvie had been very busy making various useful articles out of a 2/6d. bundle of furnishing pieces she had bought in a sale - members queued to buy these eye catching bargains, with the result a complete sell-out and £2 12s. 6d. for funds. Mrs. Kelvie, was congratulated on this effort by the President. The month's competition winner was Mrs. N. Miles with her beautifully knitted man's pullover.

The Cheese and Wine party held at Silver Birches earlier in the month had proved most successful, over £15 being made for national funds.


Village Hall Committee

Saturday, 1st July, at 6 p.m. - Barbecue, Sideshows, Competitions, Cake Stall, Draw - AND a Judo display and band from Westlands School, Sittingbourne. This entertainment has been arranged by our own school who are generously paying a substantial part of the cost.
