Dear Friends,

May, 1967.

As I write, the "glorious first of June" is fast approaching, and the rain is bucketing down outside my study window. A typical English Spring day, you might say! Whatever the weather, our thoughts will soon be turning towards holidays, and we shall all look forward to a time of rest and refreshment in some manner or another. It is as good a time as any to think again about our Christian discipleship and about the world in which we have to live out our lives. Perhaps living in the beautiful rural surroundings of Hartlip can too easily allow us to forget the kind of world in which we live - or maybe this is one of the advantages of living in Hartlip! But none of us can really escape the world and its pressures, wherever we live. We now live in a world where what happens in a remote jungle of South East Asia can intimately affect the lives of people in every part of the world. Technological change, rapid mobility, swift and comprehensive communications media, all these things have made us into "one world" in a way that has never been possible before. Our Christian discipleship, therefore, can no longer be parochially confined. The neighbour in need, who cries out for love and compassion, may as easily confront us on the television screen as across the garden fence.

We've just been thinking about this kind of thing in Christian Aid Week; but aid is not enough; we need also to extend the horizons of our prayers and of our concern not only for one week, but throughout the year.

Yours sincerely,



A Warm Welcome

Is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Downey and their 3-year-old daughter, Claire, who have come from Maidstone to live on the Dane House Estate; also to Mr. and Mrs. Shorey and their young son, who have just moved into the new bungalow opposite the Post Office.


And best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bates, who are emigrating shortly to Canada.

Christian Aid

Week will be reported on fully in next month's issue.



The house to house collection has up to now produced £26. I would like to thank Mesdames Carlton, Gammie, Harlow, Lawrence, Leonard, Millgate and Titcomb and the 7.40 Group for their help. If your envelope has not been returned I should be grateful if you would give it to the Vicar or myself.


Grateful Thanks

From Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen to all who gave prizes and supported their April whist drive, which brought £11 10s. for Church Funds.