Dear Friends,

The Advent season is a time of preparation in a double sense. It is a time when the, cards are: purchased and sent—when we've decided to whom we are, going to send them--the cake, is baked, the turkey is o1rdered, the provisions and presents are debated upon, and then bought, the, decorations are decided upon, invitations are issued and accepted. But it is also the time, when we prepare ourselves to celebrate and understand the coming of Christ. We begin on Advent Sunday, by remembering the cosmic and eternal significance of His Coming; we go on the following week to give thanks for Holy Scripture, the record of the Incarnation; we recall the forerunner, the one who " prepared the way of the Lord ", John the Baptist; we come finally to dwell upon the meaning of the event itself, the mysterious birth of a baby in a stable, the cradle, that already has the shadow of a Cross over it. If we are honest about it—and we must be--then we will have to admit that it is the preparations that I first mentioned which are, likely to dominate, our thoughts. We, are children of a secular age, and we can't avoid being caught up in its concerns. But it is the second kind of preparations that are ultimately more important. I hope and pray we may capture the true meaning of Advent, and by preparing ourselves properly, come nearer to, the true significance of Christmas.

Yours sincerely,



This is now at 11.a.m. Infants in the School, Junior's in the church - except on the 1st Sunday in the month, when there is our Family Communion service at 9.30 a.m., at which children of all ages are welcome. On the other Sundays the Juniors join in the normal worship at Morning Prayer up to the Third Collect before withdrawal for a short period of instruction. This is for a trial period and comments as to its suitability will be welcomed from parents. Due to this change and to Christine Moore's departure to Training College we urgently need another teacher. Experience in teaching is not necessary and, although desirable, it is not essential for them to be available every Sunday.

A small party from the Sunday School, including several staff and car-owners, had an outing to Broadstairs on 9th September, mainly to visit St. David's Children's Home (run, by the, C. of E. Children's Society), who regularly receive some of our Harvest produce and also presents from the Christmas Tree service. Tea overlooking the harbour and exploration of the shore completed the programme.
