Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
December 1966 : page 7 (of 8)
The speed limit through Hartlip, which has been such a debating point for so many years, was once, again discussed with the Kent Constabulary during October. This present council and the previous council have for the past five years tried to get a speed limit throughout Hartlip, but have not as yet succeeded. I did this time meet the Kent Constabulary myself and I was very interested to see how seriously the Constabulary take this request for speed limits. They were represented at this meeting by three Chief Inspectors, namely Chief Inspectors of Canterbury and Sittingbourne and Chief Inspector of Traffic Control, Kent. They put forward many very sensible remarks regarding the speed limit and their most sensible one was the fact that if they made Hartlip a 30 m.p.h. area it would give people the impression that 30 m.p.h. was possible everywhere. This, they told us, was not possible as they had done a test run through Hartlip, and had proved to themselves that on some corners, 28 m.p.h. was a maximum safe speed. There were many other reasons, and very sensible, but they are too lengthy to report.
At our meeting in November the flood water on the Lower Road and the flood water on the A2 by the Rest Tea Rooms, has been taken up most strongly once again with the Local Authorities.
May I once again ask people to refer any queries, complaints or suggestions to the Clerk of the Parish Council, No. 1 Grainy Field, and then it can be dealt with straight away.
Oct. 30 | Alexandra Jane, daughter of Anthony and Elizabeth Gammie. |
Nov. 6 | Jennifer May, daughter of Richard and Brigette Hinge. |
Oct. 29 | Oswald Sykes and Heather Stroud. |
"So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone".
1 Samuel 17: 50.
Most of us first heard this thrilling story of David and Goliath when we were children attending Sunday School. But, of course, this story is not only for children. We all of us in life have our "giants" to fight; the "giants" of fear or worry, of distress, of money, of temptations; and sometimes we are afraid of the future because of these "giants" in our path. Well, the odds against David were very great indeed, but he remembered that he had God with him. It was "in the name of the Lord of hosts" that he fought and triumphed. More than that, his victory gave his countrymen fresh heart and courage. If we likewise tackle, life's many "giants," in the strength and power of God, we, too, shall prevail and prove a necessary support to those whose eyes are upon us.
Give us, O Lord, the strength which comes from living close to, thee. Amen.