
We go to press with a real sense of loss - Mr. and Mrs. Taylor have already left us and Mr. and. Mrs. Roots are about to do so. "Woodpeckers" over 104 years had become a familiar and pleasant rendezvous for many of us, especially for Guides, Brownies and their parents. Both Mr. and Mrs. Taylor have shown many kindnesses and have spent much time in the service of our community and our only consolation is that they intend from Dean's Bottom to continue, as far as they can, their main activities within our Church and village life; we hope they and Fiona and Ian will be very happy in their new home. We hope, too, that Mr. and Mrs. Roots will have a long and happy retirement in Upchurch. For some years Mr. Roots, in his charge of the village shop, has been at a focal plaint of our existence and has always met the needs of all ages with the greatest courtesy and patience and friendliness. His regular presence (with Mrs. Roots sometimes on the organ) will also be much missed by our Methodist congregation.

A Warm Welcome

Is extended to Mr. and Mrs. John Chandler, recently returned from Rhodesia, who are due to take over the village shop on 5th December. They are no strangers to many of us and we are delighted that they are now able to take an important and permanent part in our community life. We also welcome Mr. and Mrs. Page and their three small children, who have come from Brenchley to live in Messrs. Wakeleys new Mill Cottages; we hope they will be very happy here.

Earl Haig Fund

Benefitted by £13 10s. 0d. from church collections on Remembrance Sunday and by £20 1s. 8d. from house-to-house collections, organised by Mr. Ford and assisted by members of the 7.40 Group and several other young people, supported by contributions from the Tuck Inn and the Rose and Crown.

Carol Singing Parties

In the village are: 13th December, Primary School (in aid of C. of E. Children's Society); 21st and 22nd December, Youth Club.

Christmas Appeals

Received and commended include: The C. of E. Children's Society (Old Town Hall, Kennington, S,E.11.); Dr. Barnardo's Homes (Stepney Causeway, E.1); and Christian Aid (10 Eaton Gate, S.W.1.).
