Christian Fellowship

The New Year Party on behalf of the "Save the Children" Fund was a great success, socially and financially. The fund will benefit to the extent of over £22 and this will enable the organisers to feed 22 hungry African children for one month; a small but very worthwhile contribution from our village. They, through the Fellowship, can say thank you to all the generous supporters of the party. The success was due particularly to Mr. Arthur Brown and his colleagues who not only ran the party so well but also donated their fees to the fund.

In February - please note that on the 10th Mr. R. Poulter, of Gillingham, will show some colour slides taken while on holiday on the continent, on the 24th, in connection with the "Feed the Minds" campaign, we shall be hearing the Rev. P. J. Child, of the British & Foreign Bible Society. Mr. Child, from his own experience overseas, will be able to give us an insight into missionary work as applied to Christian education generally.


Mothers' Union

Our usual January service in church coincided with that memorable afternoon when the rain froze as it reached the ground. Members bravely seemed to ignore this and the Lady Chapel was full. The Vicar reminded us of what St. Paul thought about the divisions in the Corinth church. Behind their factions lay intolerance, self-righteousness, intellectualism, freedom verging on licence; are they behind ours today? Tea and talk at the Vicarage completed the programme.

Next month - Deaconess Berry will discuss the place of the Bible in our thinking in the 1960's.


Young Wives' and Mothers' Fellowship

The housewife's weekly problem - choosing your meat! Now is your chance to solve it - on 15th February. Exactly that is the title of a talk by master, meat purveyors, Mr. W. Holt and Mr. I. Capon. Moreover, this is an open-meeting, and a cordial invitation is extended to all lady non-members. Finally, an extra date for members' diaries - 22nd March, when bookings have been made for "Oklahoma" at the Maidstone Theatre.
