Women's Institute

On Thursday, March 24th, ladies, have your " elevenses " at " Silver Birches " with Mrs. Partridge and Mrs. Kelvie, who will be delighted to see you. A Bring. and Buy Bran Tub, with wrapped gifts to the value of about one shilling, will be a feature. From ten-thirty until twelve. A few minutes of the usual programme on March 8th will be devoted to a short film " Peace of Mind " — the story of the Pill and non-members will be, very welcome to this open meeting, at 2.30 p.m. Finally, glancing back, advice on Food for Health and Good Looks, given by a very pretty dietitian at the February meeting included details of a quickly made, crunchy-crusted wheatmeal loaf — baked in a flower-pot. Most W.I. members can supply the recipe, but hurry if you would like to make it. Come the Spring there will not be a vacant flower-pot in all Hartlip !


Village Hall

Advance notice is given of our Annual General Meeting Thursday, 3rd March, at 8 p.m. Here is your opportunity to elect officers and committee, as well as to make suggestions about the running of the Hall.


BOOK REVIEW : "The Christian Year", Ed. H. W. Dobson

Here is a book of outstanding value to the confirmed Church member, whatever their age or experience. It contains basically the Prayer Book Collects, Epistles and Gospels; but it has two special features. First, the Epistles and Gospels are given in J. B. Phillips' well-known translation. Secondly, there are some simple explanatory notes on the readings and theme of each Sunday by another expert, H. W. Dobson. If you cannot attend. Holy Communion you can, through this book, still take part in the Church's thought and prayer; if you can go, then here is a ready-made means of preparation of mind and spirit. It is the most impressive aid to worship I have seen for a long time. Copies are available for purchase (8/6) in church at this moment.
