March Calendar

Mar. 5 Kent Association Bellringers Quarterly Meeting at Hartlip-Church.
2.30 p.m., Women's Institute.
10.00 a.m., Holy Communion.
7.30 p.m., Discussion Group (Vicarage).
10 2.30 p.m. Beetle Drive (with Bring and Buy) in aid of Church Fabric. Fund, at "Pelistry", Yelsted, by invitation of Mrs. Williamson.
7.30 p.m., Christian Fellowship - "Youth puts the questions."
14 7.30 p.m., Cricket Club A.G.M. (Hall).
16 10.00 a.m., Holy Communion.
7.30 p.m., Discussion Group (Vicarage).
17 2.30 p.m., M.U. - Rev. R. H. M. Third.
7.30 p.m., ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH AND VESTRY Meetings (School).
20 Lent 4. Mothering Sunday. No Sunday School, but instead 3.00 p.m., Family Service (with presentation of flowers).
22 Y.W. and M.F. and W.I. Theatre Visit.
23 10.00 a.m., Holy Communion.
7.30 p.m., Discussion Group (Vicarage).
24 10.30 a.m. W.I. Coffee Morning (with Bring and Buy bran tub) at "Silver Birches".
7.30 p.m., Christian Fellowship - M. & D. Films (Schoolroom).
25 Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. 9.30 a.m., Holy Communion (M.U. Corporate).
30 10.00 a.m., Holy Communion.
7.30 p.m., Discussion Group (Vicarage).
8 p.m., Open Parish Meeting (Hall).
30 School Film Evening.

Sanctuary Guild

Mar. 13 Mrs. Wallis and Mrs. Dagge.
20 Mrs. Moore and Miss C. Moore.
27 Mrs. Gammie and Mrs. Webb.
Apr. 3 Mrs. Williamson and Miss A. Williamson.

Sidesmen's Rota

Mar. 13 Mr. Chambers.Mr. Snape.Mr. Wallis.
20 Mr. D. Kendrick.Mr. J. Allen.Mr. D. Luckhurst.
27 Mr. B. Orr.Mr. Wallis.Mr. C. Mannerings.
Apr. 3 Mr. Kitchingham.Mr Williamson.Mr. R. Kendrick.
(9.30 a.m.)