
A reminder that newspapers, magazines, cardboard (if folded flat) can be turned into money to help your Parish Church. Mrs. Faussett-Osborne, Queendown Warren, is the organiser. Miss Danby (Newington 262) will collect your bundles, if asked.


To Miss M. Ambrose on being appointed Vice-Principal of Kenya High School, Nairobi, whose staff she joined in September last. A few extracts from a November letter seem of interest:

"We have been very much aware of the famine here. Flying into Kenya at the beginning of September, we were staggered at the brown desolation everywhere. Everyone is helping all they can, and I think some of us felt extra thankful at the Harvest Thanksgiving services for being so well fed. The service seemed extra meaningful, too, when one knew that all the produce was going to feed people who were literally starving a few miles down the road. One looked with approval at the enormous boxes of local tea and coffee, mangoes, paw-paws, bananas and pineapples all jostling each other as well as the familiar eggs .... It is rather early to write much about Church life. One thing which has impressed me so far is the way in which family worship stands out. I don't think I have ever seen so many children at Matins. They go off quite happily to Sunday School during the Jubilate. There is always coffee after the service, too, which gives people a chance to get to know each other as well as refreshing those who have come some distance to church. It is also the custom to have a typed programme of the services, which includes notices of meetings in the week on the back. These always include a Bible Study discussion group".


Good news has reached us that we are to have a Confirmation at Hartlip on St. Michael & All Angels Day, Thursday, 29th September, at 7 p.m. Bishop Rose, one-time Bishop of Dover, will confirm. I will be saying more in due course, but in the meantime I shall be pleased to receive names of young people and adults. Classes will probably begin early May.


Church of England Children's Society

In spite of the many calls on their purses, subscribers to the Society have been generous again for the year 1965. We are able therefore to send the sum of £12 14s. 6d. to help the fund, which depends entirely on voluntary subscriptions. I still have some spare collection boxes if anyone else would like to have one. A few coppers each week mount up during the year and do indeed help this good cause.
