Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
January 1965 : page 7 (of 8)
Women's Institute
The December meeting was in charge of Mrs. Leonard, as it was Members' Day, being helped by Mesdames Ferrett, Ingleton, Milgate and Chismon. The new President, Mrs. Trickle, welcomed everyone and kept business to a minimum, thanking all who helped towards a successful birthday party. An excellent tea and entertainment were provided by the Members' Day Committee and Mrs. Andrews thanked Mrs. Leonard for her splendid effort.
Mrs. Scott won the prize for the best decorated tiny Christmas tree and Miss Wise won the prize for the most competition entries through the year. The next meeting will be on 12th January, when the speaker will be the Governor of Maidstone Prison.
Chairman of the Parish Council Reports
FOR YOUR PRAYERS, and support and encouragement those who were confirmed at Hartlip on 13th December by the Lord Bishop of Dover Glenys Cox, Penny Hollands, David Kendrick, Ann Williamson, James Fentiman, Patricia Hollands, Arthur Lawrence.