wardens and I very much hope that all members of the parish who are on the Electoral Roll and have not yet subscribed will feel able to make a donation. Large or small, it will be very welcome.

Mr. and Mrs. Bone, Mr. and Mrs. Shellock, Mrs. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Faussett-Osborne, Mr. J. Allen, Miss Danby, Mr. and Mrs. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Wallis, Mr. and Mrs. Edmonds,, Mr. and Mrs. Snape, Mrs. C. Stevens, 14 Anonymous.

Mr. and Mrs. G. F. W. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. M. Webb, Mr. and Mrs. Dagge, Miss A. Woodcock, Miss E. Woodcock, Mr. and Mrs. Partridge, Col. and Mrs. Fea, Brig. and Mrs. Orr, Col. and Mrs. Shand-Tully, Mr. and Mrs. Kendrick, Mr. and Mrs. Titcomb, Mr. and Mrs. Fentiman, Mr. and Mrs. ? (name not recorded on receipt duplicate).

Mr. and Mrs. Kyle, Mr. and Mrs. Shove, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence, Mr. and Mrs. Salter, Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Mr. Osborne, Mr. Cox and Glenys, Mr. G. H. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Stephens, Col. and Mrs. Newitt, Mr. and Mrs. Divers, Mr. and Mrs. Wakeley.


Free Will Offering Scheme

A new year is with us also new sets of Offering Envelopes for 1965. The Church Council wishes to remind everyone of this Scheme. It has many advantages. Its principle is that of planned giving giving back to God what is His due. It is an attempt to meet the housekeeping expenses of the Church in a businesslike way. It is also a means whereby the occasional churchgoer can contribute regularly towards the cost of keeping the church staffed and in good order for baptisms, weddings, etc. It clearly helps the treasurer in his budgeting. Sets of envelopes will be available in church on 3rd and 10th January, or they can be obtained from me or the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. Allen, August, Munn's Lane.



Mothers' Union

A memory test, Corinthian bagatelle and smells in bottles were some of the ingredients of a pre-Christmas party at the Vicarage. Members brought their husbands, and eats, which .... (cont)