Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
January 1965 : page 4 (of 8)
Warmest Congratulations
To Mr. and Mrs. George Mabbs on celebrating their Golden Wedding Day on 26th December. We all wish them many more years of happy married life.
To Mr, and Mrs. Mabbs came from the bellringers on the evening of 28th December. They rang a touch of 360 changes of Plain Bob Doubles. Those ringing were:- Treble R. Gilbert; 2, W. Kitchingham; 3, M. F. H. Lacey; 4, C. Mannerings; 5, L. J. Gilbert (conductor); tenor J. Green. Still a sidesman, Mr. Mabbs rang Hartlip for many years, some of them as captain.
Remembrance Sunday
Collection in church at Mattins amounted to £8 17s. 0d., which has been sent to Earl Haig's Fund. The result of the house-to-house collection is not unfortunately to hand.
Best Wishes
To Trevor Hamson who has been accepted by the R.A.F. under their apprenticeship scheme. He reports on 6th January, having signed on for 13 years.
Were eceived in such large numbers at our Gift Service on Sunday evening, 20th December, that only half went to the Green Porch Children's Home, Milton, the rest going to the South Downs Children's Home at Doddington. Both superintendents were very grateful indeed; these gifts met a definite need at both places.
Sunday School
Classes have each been equipped with a new Course of Instruction. With these new books are other aids, allowing more expression work. Prizes for attendance will be presented, I hope, at the first Family Service held in 1965.
Heating Appeal
The new oil-fired central heating is in! It seems to be a great improvement. We acknowledge with thanks donations from the undermentioned people who have subscribed so far to this Appeal, which stands at £365. There is still a long way to go and we shall soon be receiving the bill. The church- .... (cont)