Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
January 1965 : page 6 (of 8)
added up to a large and tasty buffet supper, which in turn completed a very enjoyable evening.
Young Wives' Fellowship
Christmas Party 15th December
Welcomed by smiles and sherry, our visitors included the back-room boys of the Y.W.F. the husbands, and also members' guests and colleagues from Hartlip Mothers' Union. The savoury buffet, including prawns nestling on cream cheese, and genuine Hartlip trifles, rich and luscious, was much enjoyed. Luscious? ... which brings me to the 'quatorze pieces de resistances'!!
Take fourteen married women, from all walks of life, dress them alternately in pink and blue gingham shifts, pop a perky, ribboned boater on each, attractive head, and one has the ingredients of the 'Merry Wives of Hartlip' Cabaret. Each pair of black high heels moved with the mood of the song; slim shoulders quivered, and just the right touch of provocative coyness bounced over to the audience. These feminine Frankie Vaughans were a wow!
The Committee thank all participating members, seen or unseen, the irrepressible band and its leader, and everyone who attended, for their contribution to a truly exhilarating evening.
January Meetings
19th January, 1965 "Lighting in the Home" Mr. J.Cowan, S.E.E.B., British Lighting Council.
Christian Fellowship
"Yong Hwa Sook" are words that don't make much sense in England. In Korea, however, they form the name of a beggar children's home with, at present, some 400 healthy and well-cared-for children in it. They were all rescued from the streets of Pusan, the second city of S. Korea. It is one of three such Homes in Korea supported by the Save the Children Fund. In addition, there are the Se Ai Won Home, the Yongdo Cripples Home, the Semyon children's feeding centre and four clinics - all supported by the Fund. Our New Year Party on 9th January will, we hope, enable us to send a useful sum to help in this work of the Save the Children Fund, not only in Korea but elsewhere in the world. Several raffle prizes have already been promised and we will try and give you an enjoyable evening. 7.30 p.m. is the time.
On 28th January there will be a good opportunity to learn something about the Jewish Faith from the Rabbi of the Chatham Synagogue. The relationship between the Christian and Jewish Churches is so close historically that to learn more of the Jewish Faith is surely a "must" for every Christian. This also is at 7.30 p.m.