Young Wives' Fellowship

15th September. "Beauty on a Budget." Messrs. Rimmel. Demonstrator: Mrs. Shaw.

"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm" ... and the Committee of Y.W.F. began their new programme with a speaker who was able to introduce to those present, a new slant on perennial problems. As a widely-travelled Consultant, she was able to discuss the various facets of face make-up, as she worked with skill, making up one of our own Young Wives. As I looked round those assembled, I was reminded of another quotation ... "Charm strikes the sight but merit wins the soul."

We thank Mrs. Chandler our model, and those members present, and send our good wishes to our Chairman, Mrs. Andrews, for a speedy recovery: the meeting was not the same without her.

October Meetings

6th October: Scottish Dancing ... and Members Discussion Group re future activities. Your attendance is especially requested.

20th Oct: The Salvation Army: Brig. Mrs. Bowles, H.Q. Maidstone.


Women's Institute

The monthly meeting was held in the Village Hall on Tuesday, 8th September.

A very enjoyable talk was given by Mrs. Archer on the art of wine making and the utensils required in the success of making the wine to perfection. She mentioned among many the delight of gooseberry champagne and orange wine, otherwise known as mock sherry.

A vote of thanks to the speaker was given by Mrs. Kathleen Stephens.

A competition for the most attractive wine glass was won by Miss Wise.

Mrs. Fea, Miss Danby and Mrs. Williams kindly offered to hold a coffee morning on Wednesday, 23rd September, at 10.30 at the home of Mrs. Fea in aid of County Funds. The Hostess for the afternoon was Mrs. N. Andrews, and her helpers were Mesdames D. Allen, Whitehead, Pemble, Read and E. Smith.
