Son et Lumiere

Inside a parish church is also on this month's programme at Brabourne Church - 19th to 31st October. 3 course supper at 5/- is also available after the performance in a neighbouring barn. Further details in our church porch.



Dear Friends,

This month sees the British public asked to elect its new Parliament and every adult has the opportunity and responsibility to vote for the party he or she feels will administer the affairs of State with single-minded purpose and the greatest efficiency.

The day has now passed when Christians feel the word "politics" is a "dirty" word and something they have nothing to do with. The fact is that we have a moral as well as civic responsibility to become acquainted with each party's programme and achievements, to test what it says with what it does, and to treat, for what it is worth, the affirmations and denials of political speeches and debates.

Perhaps inasmuch as the two major parties have leaders that, so far, have failed to capture the public's imagination and enthusiasm will at least mean that hard thinking will take the place of emotional hero worship in the choice made.

At least Christians should be praying hard that the right kind of representatives are elected and a Government formed that will have the courage of its convictions and the confidence of the nation.



Having reported last month that Mr. Webb, the new caretaker, had begun his work with us we were all very sorry when, due to his wife's health after the tragedy, he had to give up, after making real efforts to carry on.

After having advertised the post again there were 12 applicants; a short list of 6 was chosen and Mr. A. Divers, of South Bush Lane, was offered the post. The Vicar and I had a difficult task in choosing from some excellent candidates. However, we welcome Mr. Divers and hope he will be very happy in all his work at the School.
