Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
May 1964 : page 7 (of 7)
It seems a long time ago that we had our Open Afternoon at the Clothing Store, and, although not many people spare time to call, we, were delighted to welcome those who did with tea, coffee and biscuits, and look forward to having another such day next year. There is a Meeting at Lenacre at 2.30 on May 6th, mainly for sewing.
Cricket Club
The Club has been far from dormant through the winter. Work has been carried out on the "square". A moderately well attended A.G.M. on 10th March re-elected last year's officers, except that Mr. Wakeley is now vice-chairman in place of Mr. A. J. Skinner, whose interest in the club is as great as ever but whose health has forced him to resign. Mr. L. Selling and Mr. H. Holden are again captain and vice-captain respectively. The Club dance on 4th April was both a pleasant occasion and a financial success, thanks to the excellent support it received in every way - the attendance on the night from all sections of the community, the raffle prizes willingly and generously given, our secretary's band whose services were given, and the hard work behind the scenes put in by Mr. and Mrs. Chambers. A net profit of about £26 resulted. At the time of writing, efforts are being, made, in conjunction with the Parish Council, to smarten up both pavilion and ground. Mr. Auger and Mr. Wakeley are doing much of the practical work. The seasons opens with an away match on 23rd May. Support of any sort, as player, umpire, vice-president or spectator will be much appreciated.
Apr. 5 | James Richard William Wakeley and Dawn Marie Cole. |
50 years ago — Register of Services
Apr. 5 "Dedicated re-table of stone, after Archbishop's letter read. 1914 Admitted to choir Leon, & Chas. Brooker, Jack Pepper, Tom Clout" (Entry by Vicar).
May Calendar
May 3 | Rogation Sunday. |
5 | 9.30 a.m., M.U. Corporate Communion. Parish Council Elections. |
6 | 7.30 p.m., Y.W.F. Fashion Show (Open Meeting) by Hulburd's. |
7 | Ascension Day. 7 a.m., Holy Communion (said). 9.30 a.m., Day School Eucharist. 7.30 p.m., Village Hall Committee. |
8 | 2.30 p.m., W.I. Party for Hackney Old People. |
13 | 7.30 p.m., Parochial Church Council (School). |
17 | Whitsunday. |
19 | 7.30 p.m., Y.W.F. Colour in the home. |
21 | 2.30 p.m., M.U. "Why do I belong to the Church of England" |
24 | Christian Aid Week begins. |
Sanctuary Guild
May 3 | Mrs. Noble. |
10 | Mrs. Newitt and Miss Danby. |
17 | Mrs. Wallis and Mrs. Dagge. |
24 | Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. J. Stevens. |
31 | Mrs. Titcomb and Miss Woodcock. |
Sidesmen's Rota
May 3 | Mr. Kitchingham | Mr. Taylor. | Mr. Shellock. |
10 | Mr. Snape. | Mr. Lawrence. | Mr. Allen. |
17 | Mr. Miles. | Mr. Titcomb. | Col. Shand-Tully. |
24 | Mr. T. Miles. | Mr Chambers. | Mr. Fentiman. |
31 | Mr. Wallis. | Mr D. Luckhurst. | Mr. C Mannerings. |