Church Officials for 1964-5

At the Annual Vestry and Parochial Church Meeting, held in the Village Hall on 8th April, the usual elections took place and officials for this current year are as follows:

Vicar's Warden - Mr. G. P. W. Allen.

People's Warden - Mr. W. C. Moore.

Diocesan Conference Rep. - Col. E. J. Shand-Tully.

Ruri-Decanal Conference Rep. - Messrs. Allen, Moore and C. J. Stephens.

Vice-Chairman Chairman and Secretary of P.C.C. - Mr. Moore.

Treasurer - Mr. Allen.

P.C.C. - Mesdames Lawrence, Miles, Partridge, Titcomb, Shellock,
Harlow, Andrews, Stevens, Kelvie, Fentiman; the Misses Wood-
cock and Whitehead; Messrs. H. Miles, Mabbs, Wallis, Snape,
Shellock, Lawrence, Kitchingham, Ambrose, Taylor.

Sidesmen - Messrs. C. Allan, D. Chambers, Fentiman, D. Luckhurst,
Kitchingham, Lawrence, Mabbs, H. Miles, T. Miles, C. Mannerings,
Shellock, Snape, Taylor, Titcomb, Wallis and Col. Shand-Tully.



This is our first report for 1964 and by the very nature of things must therefore be a very "potted" affair.

During the Spring term we had various visitors including the Bishop of Dover, Mr. M. A. Wellham from the Commonwealth Institute and the Rev. A. L. Lawler, the Diocesan Adviser.

Events have ranged from Beetle Drives, Jumble Sales and from Football Matches to the Good Speaking Competition - the result of the latter was a win for Durham House with 24 points - Mrs. Green was the judge this year and we were pleased to have so many parents with us.

During Lent the children's U.M.C.A. boxes raised £5 10s. 0d.

The Spring term Day School Eucharist was very well attended on Ash Wednesday and we look forward to the Summer term Eucharist on Ascension Day.



Mothers' Union

Ten members kept the Feast of the Annunciation of the B.V.M. on 7th April, a date which coincided with the monthly corporate communion. Members came in even better numbers to this month's Service in the Lady Chapel, which was followed by tea at the vicarage and an informal meeting. Plans have been made for a day's outing in June, via Tenterden and Rye, to New Romney, where we shall finish with Evensong, after tea kindly offered us by the local branch. The original date has now been changed to 4th June. Anyone at present on the list, who cannot now go should contact Mrs. Harlow.

Our May speaker will have as her subject - "Why do I belong the Church of England?"
