Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
February 1964 : page 6 (of 7)
Young Wives' Fellowship
Subject: "Hair." Speaker: Mr. W. George (Ex-President N.H.F., 21 years Chairman, Medway N.H.F.).
An evening of the unexpected for the unexpected ... the Committee of Y.W.F. viewed the Hartlip scene cocooned in fog, with dismay, yet audience-wise, our number soon reached forty. Our visitor braved the weather, too, and we were introduced to a greyhaired benevolent gentleman of some seventy years young, very broad shoulders and a pair of wonderfully expressive hands. We were given a resume of the history of hairdressing, from the Romans; an unusually short reference for Cleopatra, and on through the centuries, via the bob and shingle, to the present bouffant and beetle styles. Those same hands showed several contraptions in the development of what the Americans still call, "the permanent". We shuddered at an incendiary bomb-type-curler, and reminisced at the curling tongs, and a gas hair-dryer reminded us of a Crusader without his visor.
Mr. George was ably supported by his daughter who, having brought with her a charming model, proceeded to show us two styles. The rollers, uncovered, revealed a pearl platinum blonde, who demonstrated a chic evening style glinting with a diamante comb, and easily ... or was it? brushed into a "day dressing". As I helped to dismantle the minute gilt table with its traditional oval mirror, I saw reflected, a very happy set of "crowning glories" and the satisfaction in an old man's eyes, of a job well done.
Christian Fellowship
As a result of the New Year Party, held on 11th January, it has been possible to send a cheque for £10 to the "Save the Children Fund". Thanks are due to those who helped by arranging the refreshments, or by donating prizes for the raffle, by buying tickets though unable to come or simply by coming and enjoying themselves. The "Musicaires" helped to make it a very pleasant evening.
Women's Institute
The first meeting of 1964 was held on 14th January, and despite a gloomy, foggy day was well attended, with Mrs. Lawrence presiding. It is very good to be looking forward to a varied and quite exciting programme in this coming year, not least of which is an outing, organised by British Railways, to Coventry Cathedral in June. Names to Mrs. Marshall, please. A delightful film show was provided by Sunblest Bakeries we did not know so much went into the baking of "Our Daily Bread". Mrs. Leonard won the competition for six mince pies and tea was given by Mrs. Harlow, helped by Mesdames Edmunds, Pound and Westwick.
The next meeting is on 11th February, when Mrs. Bensted will be speaking on "Keeping the zest in life".