
Annual house-to-house collection (postponed from last year) will be taking place during February. We have one of the best-kept and most attractive churchyards in the area and it is hoped that every household in the parish will be prepared to give something towards maintaining this high standard. Support is especially hoped for from families with relatives buried there.


Magazines and newspapers will be on exhibition and, in most cases, for sale, on a bookstall in church during the whole of Lent. Family life, children and Christian unity will be subjects specially catered for and, as far as possible, the books will be attractive and thoroughly readable for the ordinary person, as well as inexpensive.

Short Tableaux

With commentary, will take the place of the sermon at Evensong on Sundays during Lent. Each will illustrate one of the sacraments. February 16th Baptism; February 23rd - Confirmation; further details will be given on our special Lent card.


Statement of account is now to hand and published herewith. Congratulations once more to all concerned, for an excellent effort:

Handicraft stall35126Posters320
Cake stall1710Flowers1110
Produce stall11135Village Hall150
Toys stall1846Sundries243
Goldfish and Cards7163Balance to general fund155142
Father Christmas10107
Sale of jam1200
Door receipts413



Mothers' Union

The Mothers' Union began 1964 with a Service and short address by the Vicar in the Lady Chapel of the Parish Church on 16th January. In spite of the chilly weather prevailing there was an unusually large attendance. Afterwards, there was tea and an informal meeting at the Vicarage, by kind invitation of Mrs. Green.
