our school. Fortunately Mrs. Divers remains on the Church Council and her husband caretaker of the churchyard. We shall also miss Mr. and Mrs. Lewis, of Munn's Lane, who were most generous supporters each year of the Church Bazaar, and have moved to Chestfield. Good luck also to Christopher and Pat Mannerings who set off on 22nd December for Sydney, Australia, where they hope to settle.

A Warm Welcome

Is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Boardman, who have come from Borstal to enjoy retirement on the Dane House estate; to Mr. and Mrs. Lucas, who have come from Strood to Munn's Lane; to Miss Saunders, Headmistress of Orchard Street, Rainham, Girls' School, and Miss Price, who have bought the newly-built bungalow in the London Road; and to Mr. and Mrs. Jennings and their two small children, who are also new arrivals in the London Road from Rainham.


To Mrs. McHaffey on her success at the Great Dane Show in London. Her two-year-old Sabre won the Best Graduate Dog, the Open Brindle and the Best Brindle of the whole show.


To Mr. Gordon Ingle as our Magazine Treasurer instead of Mr. Kinslow who has had to give up, due to pressure of business. We are very grateful to him for the trouble he took over the accounts.


Again I can write - a wonderfully encouraging afternoon, and a very happy occasion. Thank you - all those very many who supported this event in any way, and that includes quite a large number of non-parishioners who regularly come and buy. The antique grandfather clock (superbly renovated by Mr. Kift) fetched £30, and the magnificent hamper (given by Mrs. Lewis) weighed 21lbs. 14ozs. and was jointly won by Mrs. Skinner and Miss E. Whitehead. Jane Ransley presented a Victorian posy to our opener, Mrs. Clifford, who showed a great interest in everything. About 200 paid at the door.

Receipts Expenses
Cakes12172Posters, etc.430
Floral Art9112Balance to General Fund21820
As Good as New3045
Bottle and Parcel2510

P.S. - Does anyone own Tickets 140 and 145 from the Bottle Stall raffle? Please apply at once to Mrs. R. Allen.
