Village Hall

The Hall was built in 1932 with money raised locally and a grant from the Carnegie Trust. It is held in trust by the Parish Council "for the purposes of physical and mental recreation, ... for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Parish of Hartlip". General management and control is vested in a Council consisting of the Vicar and Churchwardens, the Chairman of the Parish Council, the Headteacher of the school, a representative from every village organisation and five elected members. It has always been the policy of the committee to let the Hall at a fee which the organisations can afford rather than at an economic figure, so in order to maintain the premises in good condition it is essential to raise about £150 in addition to money obtained from hirings. We are fortunate that in the first place a hall of this size with such good facilities was built for us, and secondly that for many years most of the committee members have worked so hard to keep it in good condition. Recently £50 was spent on materials for re-conditioning the kitchen; labour was provided by committee members. The Hall was built for the village residents, as the result of local effort and it belongs to the village. The annual meeting which this year is on Thursday, 2nd March, at 8.00 p.m., is the opportunity for everyone to take part in the management and control and to put forward any suggestions for the future.


Christian Fellowship

Once again the New Year Party raised just over £20 for the "Save the Children" Fund. We received exceedingly generous support from the donors of the raffle prizes and from Mr. and Mrs. Pemble, who brought a very beautiful doll for sale by auction. A new feature was the entertainment provided by the, W.I. and produced by Mrs. Marshall. We are very grateful for all this help.

On 9th February entertainment will be provided by two members of the Fellowship. "The enjoyment of touring abroad" will be the subject of a talk (illustrated by colour slides) by Mr. W. Moore. This will be followed by a quiz, run by Mr. A. Lawrence, and also using colour slides. How well do you know your own country?

On 23rd February we turn to the work of the "Samaritans". The essentially Christian work of this organisation merits the support of all of us. Local branches have been formed in many parts of the country and it is the Director of the recently formed Medway Towns branch, Rev. David Cox, who will be speaking to us.
