My dear People,

"God, Go, Gumption" - such was the reply of General William Booth when asked once what he expected of a Salvation Army Officer. A blunt but stirring reply. To me these words suggest things like conviction, determination, progress. They suggest, too, a confident, fighting soldier. They are very much in keeping with the tone that I want to set for this season of Lent shortly beginning. As an illustration of this I want, specially to commend to you, whether churchgoer or not, two little books on sale in the church: "Ring of Truth" by J. B. Phillips (3/6), and "Him We Declare" by C. Bardsley and W. Purcell (8/6). They are much in character with General Booth's reply; they may well be the two best-selling paper-backs in 1967. For the churchgoer I cannot think of a more invigorating tonic than the reading of these two books. To the non-churchman, whether sceptical or indifferent, I challenge you to read one of them; also, as a contrast, come and hear about the Medway Samaritans on 23rd February; and then, at the end, consider honestly whether your views are unchanged.

Of course, Lent is basically a time of preparation for the events of Holy Week and Easter Day. Special Lent cards will be available in church to help you in this. Please note that the emphasis at the Wednesday Discussion Group will be less on self-examination and exploration and more on rearming ourselves in our faith. Adults have sometimes expressed a wish to me for a refresher Confirmation class - here is their chance. If you find it difficult to discuss things, then just come and listen. Let all of us who call ourselves Christians be quite sure of all that we stand for and then go out and witness to it. Let us have more God, more Go, more Gumption!

Your sincere friend and Vicar,