Our Sincere Sympathy

Goes to Mrs. Simmons, of London Road, whose husband, Mr. Percy Simmons, died suddenly last month. Known to the old residents of Hartlip, Mr. and Mrs. Simmons had enjoyed 20 years of a very happy retirement, having previously owned an outfitters' business in Rainham.


Again to Mr. John Smith, who has now been designated champion ploughman of the county.

Earl Haig Fund

Benefitted by £15 4s. 4d. from church collections on Remembrance Sunday and by £24 10s. l1d. from house-to-house collections, organised by Mr. Ford and members of the 7.40 Group.


We are pleased to report that (1) Mrs. Wallis is continuing, to improve at home, (2) Mr. George Pope is convalescing after a major operation, (3) Mrs. Rogers is likely to come out of St. Bart's soon, and (4) Mrs. Leonard is back at work after her accident.

Found and Missing

After the Harvest Supper - unclaimed are a set of cutlery and a Tupperware bowl, and missing are a blue polythene bowl and a Pyrex dish.



Women's Institute

Tuesday, November 14th, was our A.G.M. and Mrs. Ingle was unanimously re-elected President for another year. Mrs. Rowland and Mrs. Kelvie decided to continue as Secretary and Treasurer respectively. Four new members were elected to the committee, they being Mrs. Ferrett, Mrs. Miles, Mrs. Macklin and Mrs. Trickle.

Two new members, Mrs. Auger and Mrs. Douglas, were warmly welcomed. After tea, there was a film show of transparencies that members had brought along, and this was much enjoyed. As there was no Speaker, and hence no competition judge, the 12 inch flower arrangement was decided by all the members present placing pennies on the display they liked best - Mrs. Kelvie gaining most pennies was awarded the prize.

Will members and friends all try and attend the Whist Drive being held in the Village Hall on December 6th at 7.30 p.m., so that our first one might prove enjoyable and successful.
