Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
May 1966 : page 3 (of 8)
My dear People,
As some of you already know, Mr. Snape is leaving us. He has accepted the Headship of a large modern Church Primary School at South Weald, near Brentwood, Essex, and will be taking up his new post in September. He is of course to be warmly congratulated on this appointment and it goes without saying that we wish him much happiness and success in his new job. There is much that I could say, but at this stage I will restrict myself simply to placing on record that our School is now considered one of the most attractive and best-equipped village schools in the county. Our Church life, too, has benefitted very greatly from Mr. Snape's presence. His departure will indeed leave several large gaps and it will be far from easy to fill them. Needless to say, much of his work at the school would not have been possible without the very practical help given him by Mrs. Snape. In the meantime may I ask for your prayers for myself and the Managers as we do our utmost to make a wise appointment to this post which means so much to our Church and community.
Secondly, I want to draw your attention to the fact that we are starting Confirmation classes this month. As already announced, Bishop Rose is due to confirm in our church on St. Michael and All Angels Day, 29th September. Already quite a few young people have given me their names, but I am wondering if there are any more who have not yet contacted me or if there are some adults considering it? It is never too late and it is perfectly in keeping if parent and child are confirmed at the same time. A word, too, specially for parents. The choice should not be left entirely to your son or daughter. You asked originally for them to be baptised. At the baptism you promised before God that they would "be brought to the Bishop to be confirmed by him". Further, the experience of the Church down the ages is emphatically that most people are helped to face life and to do good through being a confirmed, full member of the Church. You are undoubtedly trying to equip them for life from the material angle; ought you not also to help them in spiritual things of life, which are the most important and the most lasting? Whether adult or young person, do please come and talk about it, if you are uncertain about anything and would like to know more.
Your sincere friend and Vicar,