My Dear People,

I am trying to keep my Letter short this month. I want to let the skill and beauty of this woodcut speak for me. I have asked our printers to place it as centrally as possible. I do this deliberately to emphasize once more that the event portrayed there is the cause of Christmas and all our shopping and festivities. This event and its meaning should be constantly at the centre of our thinking and our planning. May I suggest that we all try and exercise some care and wisdom in our spending and giving? Much of it is not on ourselves but on others, and that is good. But, enticed by skilful advertising, the spending is often excessive, remembering that there are thousands of desperately poor and unhappy people in the world - even in our own country. Oxfam tells us that £2 could send 4 children daily meals for a month. This is typical. Three other worthy organisations are given in Parish Notes. There is our own Christmas Tree Gift Service on the 19th, the gifts from which will go to homeless children. So I would ask each one of you to give at least one present in some form to an unknown person in need. Finally, how can we justify our festivities without paying our respects in church to the Person whose birthday it is?

A very happy and peaceful Christmas to you all,

Your sincere friend and Vicar,



Sunday, 3rd October

11.30 p.m. (Christmas Eve)Holy Communion (Sung).
8.00 a.m. and 11.30 a.m.Holy Communion.
10.30 a.m.Mattins and Sermon.