April Calendar

Apr. 4 Passion Sunday. 9.30 a.m., Parish Communion.
.30 p.m., ANNUAL PAROCHIAL CHURCH and VESTRY Meetings. (School).
10 a.m., Holy Communion (M.U. Corporate).
2.30 p.m., W.I. Beetle Drive ("Pelistry", Yelsted).
7.30 p.m., Discussion Group (Vicarage).
2.30 p.m., M.U. Speaker, Mrs. Illingworth.
11 Palm Sunday. 11 a.m., Distribution of palm-crosses. Preacher - Mr. W. H. Glossop, C.M.S. Area Secretary.
12-17 Holy Week. See elsewhere for full details.
20 7.30 p.m., Y.W. and M.F. - Speaker, Lana, ex-Hartnell model.
May 1 7.30 p.m., Annual Cricket Club Dance - Arthur Brown's band.
2-3.30 p.m., Mass X-Ray (Primary School).
10-15 Christian Aid Week.

Sanctuary Guild

Apr. 11 The Misses E. and W. Whitehead.
18 Mrs. Green and Mr. Snape.
25 Mrs. Newitt and Miss Danby.
May 2 Mrs. Wallis and Mrs. Dagge.

Sidesmen's Rota

Apr. 11 Mr. Miles.Mr. Tictcomb.Mr. Lawrence.
18 Col. Shand-Tully.Mr. Moore.Mr. C. Mannerings.
Mr. ShellockMr. Luckhurst.
25 Mr. Osborne.Mr. Shellock.Mr. Wallis.
May 2 Mr. Kitchingham.Mr Mabbs.Mr. Taylor.
Mr. Fentiman (9.30)


Monday7.00 a.m., Holy Communion.
7.30 p.m., Evening Prayer.
Tuesday7.00 a.m., Holy Communion.
7.30 p.m., Evening Prayer (with Methodists; Rev. D. White preaching).
Wednesday10.00 a.m., Holy Communion.
7.30 p.m., Discussion Group (Vicarage).
Maundy Thursday7.30 p.m., Holy Communion (with hymns).
Good Friday9.45 a.m., Children's Service (parents welcome).
11.00 a.m., Mattins.
2-3 p.m., Devotional Service.