Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
April 1965 : page 7 (of 8)
Christian Fellowship
Some very doubtful looking characters found their way into the Methodist Schoolroom on the occasion of the Mock Trial. Apparently poachers still prowl around Queensdown Warren in the middle of the night and one of them had been caught and brought to count. Mr. T. Wallis certainly looked a thoroughly disreputable prisoner but in the role of poacher he was less successful. He is due out of prison about the end of August! Mr. Taylor, who acted as Clerk to the Court, had gone to tremendous trouble in arranging the trial and the members of the Fellowship are indeed grateful to him. We hope there may be a similar trial in the future.
Less cheerful is the report on the Film Evening on March 13th. The support given to this was considerably down on previous years and the result financially was a loss of £l 10s. 0d. This sum must come out of the Fellowship funds, leaving so much less money available for giving to charitable purposes at the end of the year.
April 13th Tuesday of Holy Week - is the date of the Joint Service, - to be held this time in the Parish Church. This is an important occasion and an excellent opportunity for giving thanks for the happy fellowship of the past year. It is hoped that all members of the Christian Fellowship will indeavour to be present.
Finally - on April 24th is our last meeting of the season, the Car Rally.
Tuesday, 6th April, at 7.30 - Annual Parochial Church and Vestry Meetings at the School.
Easter Offering
The churchwardens would like to draw the attention of all parishioners to the custom of giving the offerings of Easter Day to the Vicar. It is possible that some members of the Church will be out of the parish on that day but would like to make some contribution. If so, would they please place it in an envelope and hand it to one of the churchwardens before Easter Day. Collections will be taken during the services on that day.
W.C.M., G.F.W.A.