Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
November 1964 : page 7 (of 8)
so people who attend the Harvest Supper each year so few are regular supporters of the Fellowship meetings. How encouraging it would be to the organisers of the Supper if the meetings that followed were better supported! What about starting this month?
On 12th November at 7.30 p.m. in the Methodist Schoolroom there will be a talk on "Church Design in relation to worship". This should help us to understand more fully the reasons behind the design of our Churches and the significance of modern trends in Church architecture. The speaker is Mr. Semark, of Maidstone, a young man who has already earned high praise for his work in a major re-ordering of the interior of Wye Church. A fortnight later, on 26th November, we are trying out a musical evening, under the title of "Your Choice - on records". You are asked to bring along your favourite record and to say why you like it. We hope to have a wide selection of records and an attentive and appreciative gathering. If you cannot possibly bring a record but would like to come, you will be very welcome. Bring your records to "Woodpeckers", thanks to the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Taylor.
Women's Institute
Mrs. Lawrence presided over a well-attended meeting, when Mrs. Webb gave a most entertaining talk on Welsh Country Customs, illustrated by delightful colour slides. She was thanked by Mrs. Leonard. A letter, from Mrs. M, Andrews was read, thanking members for the gifts they sent her while she is ill. Miss Wise and Mrs. Chismon won the competition for "My favourite small picture", and tea was provided by Mrs. N. Andrews and her helpers.
The coffee morning held at Paradise Farm by kind permission of Mrs. Fea, raised £4 7s. 0d. in aid of the Federation, bringing the total of all previous similar efforts to £22 4s. 10d. - a very good result.
Guides and Brownies
Guides. The Company won the Gillingham Divisional Shield for the third year running, with an entirely new team. The Gillingham Scouts have challenged the Gillingham Guides to a competition on Saturday, October 24th. We are sending in two teams.
Brownies. The new Six, the Pixies, have started with Jill Browne and Sharon Buckingham as sixer and second. We have six new very keen recruits who are soon to be enrolled. We are delighted and very grateful for the help of Mrs. Allen, who we hope will be our Tawny, and Anne Williamson who is helping Ann Fentiman as Pack Leader.