
For winding the Church clock is Mr. Harlow, whose offer I have accepted with pleasure. This job involves a bi-weekly visit to the tower as well as calling for a certain interest in and affection for the instrument itself. It was good to receive an offer without having to ask for someone to replace Mr. Tylden Miles.

Safe Arrival

In Malta on Tuesday, 13th October, by Mrs. Attwood was confirmed by a postcard I received from her that same week. Her departure to join her son out there for the winter followed immediately upon her move from Church Cottage (where she has lived for over 40 years) to Plantation Cottages, Upchurch. Her familiar figure will be much missed the village, not least from her pew near the font at Sunday Evensong. Her quiet Christian faith, her hospitable fireside and her calm outlook on life were influences that we can ill afford to lose.

Church Music

Of the vintage years was heard at Evensong on 27th September as a prelude to our Patronal Festival. We are immensely grateful to the 70 Choir, who journeyed from Thanet without charge for this memorable evening - their presence in the first ensuring congregational singing of a volume seldom heard in our Church. Later we were treated to a recital of motets by Byrd, Henry Purcell and other 16th and 17th century composers - to the great enjoyment of all those present. A special word of thanks must go to Mr. Graham Stewart, their conductor and musical director, who came down from London for this sole purpose.


Final figures for our annual hop-picking effort were £68 11s. 10d. The Heating Appeal has edged forward to £330 7s. 3d. Our Jumble Sale realised £33 14s. 6d. for the Parish Magazine Account. My grateful thanks, as always, to all those who in any way helped to achieve this result. This annual effort is essential in order to keep the magazine up to the present standard.
