Everything was well organised and of the best - and that includes lunch and a Bring & Buy stall for Overseas Work, which brought in at least £150, to say nothing of the inspiration given by a gathering of several thousand.

Last Thursday our own branch had its first meeting as is customary, a Service in Church, with a most helpful and interesting address by Mr. Ambrose on the women of the Bible. Tea and an informal meeting in the Vicarage followed.


Young Wives' Fellowship

October 6th - Scottish Dancing - Members Discussion.

After a lively discussion, during which which many intriguing and interesting activities were suggested and merged into the programme, Miss Woodcock ably guided us through the last Scottish Dancing evening. We are grateful to her for her unflagging support in this venture, although the same could not be said for the majority; only a breathless few stayed the course.

October 20th - "The Salvation Army". Brig. Mrs. Bowles, H.Q. Maidstone.

Our speaker, clad in the familiar black and red, was not as we expected. Instead of a dominant, military feminine brigadier, crisply expounding, with some force, the work of the Salvation Army, the greying, rather slight, gentle figure who stood up to address us, was the very antithesis. Next year sees the Centenary of the Salvation Army. It is unfortunate and inevitable that there will always be the need for their Hostels and highly efficient Missing Relatives Department. Unorthodox, evangelical, world-wide, and renowned for their prowess with hot soup and tambourines, how sad it is that they should have to be "Servants of all".

Twenty-five members supported the meeting.

November Meetings

Nov. 3 "Hats and Handbags" - Social Evening bring your spare straws and satchels!

   "   17 "Travel with the Family" - arranged by Henry Allan, The Travel Man, Maidstone.


Christian Fellowship

If you came to the Harvest Supper did you do so because you expected a good meal or a pleasant social evening, or because you are interested in the Christian Fellowship? We hope you came for all three reasons and, in the end, felt amply .... (cont)