
To Miss Yvonne Chambers on being accepted, after several exams, for training at the Women's Police College, near Coventry. It is specially pleasing to record this as it has been Yvonne's ambition for a good many years. She reports for training on 10th December, and at the same time leaves a vacancy on the committee of the Youth Club, of which she has been secretary for several years.


Gift, in the form of a book-token for £3 10/-, has been sent to Rev. Geoffrey Waghorn (Twydall Estate) by our churchwardens on behalf of the parish. It represents, of course, not only our good wishes to him in his ministry but also our appreciation of the many occasions when he has assisted with our services or played the organ over the past few years.


Is now playing a part, I'm delighted to say, in the teaching of the Sunday School. Christine Moore, and Anne Fentiman and Susan Shove jointly, have offered their services in this way.


Have also been received by the Sanctuary Guild. Mrs. Owsley and Mrs. Williamson and Anne Williamson have all recently joined the Guild. The services of anyone else keen on floral art will always be welcome.



Mothers' Union

A Land-Rover and 76,000 square miles - the challenge before M.U. worker, Faith Rebbeck, in Mashonaland, Southern Rhodesia. These were the sort of people we glimpsed on 19th November in a quick world tour through the projector. Caring for the needy in the Melanesian Islands, making church furnishings and visiting in the hospitals in Africa or leading the community in prayer in Australia the M.U. showed that they can be as practical as anyone and be leaders of their local communities abroad. Upchurch viewed with us and took tea afterwards, which made the whole thing pleasanter and more worthwhile.

Next month - no meeting, but our annual party - at the Vicarage.

A. G.