Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
January 1893 : page 1 (of 1)
Nov. 27 - Henry Percy, son of Robert John and Mary Jane Trice Milgate.
Dec. 11 - Ellen Elizabeth, daughter of David and Caroline Eliza Attwood.
The Annual Missionary Meeting will be on Thursday, 19th January. Tea at 6.30 p.m. Tickets 4d. each. At 7.30 the Vicar will give a series of Lantern Views of Jerusalem and the Holy Land, with some account of recent discoveries by the Palestine Exploration Fund. No charge for admission, but a collection will be made for the Foreign Missions of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. Mrs. Warde, of Warren House, has kindly undertaken the secretaryship of our Missionary Association. Any one can have a collecting box to keep in their house.
The Vicar would be thankful if notice of cases of illness is sent to him, as it is impossible for him to guess the fact of anyone being ill.
On January 8th the offertories will be for Sunday School Expenses.
Last year's Magazine can be bound for 1s. 4d. each if they are left at the Vicarage with the money and the owner's name. They will make a handsome book. The Vicar has spare copies of some months.
Any enquiries as to the seats in the Church may be made of the Churchwarden, Mr. Stevens after any of the Services.
There seem to be some mistakes current about this Service. Though it is better held on Sunday, yet the Vicar will gladly, if he has a little notice, officiate at other times if more convenient to the mother. There is no fee, as the Vicar and the clerk have both given up their rights under the old table of fees, which assigned one shilling to the Vicar and sixpence to the clerk. But the Prayer Book orders that the woman shall make an offering as a sign of gratitude to God, and the Vicar hopes that in future all will do so, and if only a penny or two can be afforded, God will accept it. These voluntary offerings (whatever their amount may be) will be given to our sick and aged parishioners.
The Vicar hopes that every householder in Hartlip has received a copy of the Parish Almanack,
Our branch of the Girls' Friendly Society will probably give an entertainment on Thursday, 26th January.
We have to thank Miss A. West, of Bickley, for a set of Red Book Markers.
Our Bells will have to be put in order, at an expense of £40 or £50. A Concert in aid of the Fund will be given on Monday, January 9th, by members of Mrs. Faussett-Osborne's family and friends. Admission, 2s., 1s. and 3d.
The 2s. 6d. yearly subscription to this Magazine for 1893, is now due. There is naturally a slight loss on the penny copies owing to carriage from London, &c.