Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
December 1892 : page 1 (of 1)
The offertories on December 11th will be for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts.
During Advent there will be Mattins and Litany on Wednesdays and Fridays at 10 a.m., and Evensong on the other weekdays at 4.30 p.m., except when notice is given to the contrary.
On Christmas Day (being Sunday this year) there will be the usual services at 8.30, 11 and 3, but no late Evening Service. On Wednesday, December 21st (St. Thomas's Day), there will be a Preparation Service for the Christmas Communion at 7.30 p.m. Will parents and others remind any old Hartlip residents who may come home for the Christmas holiday of the Holy Communion?
Our branch of the Girls' Friendly Society (G.F.S.), has commenced its meetings on Wednedays, 5 p.m., at the School. There are 27,000 associates, 121,000 members, and 23,000 candidates in England and Wales, besides many branches in the Colonies and abroad.
The Drawing Examination in the School will be on December 16th.
The Vicar hopes that every householder has received a copy of "Church Bells" with the picture and account of our Church.
A weekly course of Cookery Lectures by Miss Kerkham will commence at Newington School on December 9th (Friday) at 6.30 p.m. Fees : 2d. each Lecture, or 6d. the whole course. Tickets and bills from Mrs. Stevens.
The next English History Lecture, with magic lantern views, will be on Thursday, December 1st, on "The Norman Kings," and probably the following one will be on December 15th.
The Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (S.P.C.K.) has given a grant of Bibles to our Sunday School, value £1 5s.
Mr. E. H. Stevens has passed his final examination in the London University for the degree of B.A. We congratulate him and his parents.
Some members of our Choir will give an Entertainment for the American organ debt, on Friday December 9th.