August7 - 1 Pet. ii. 24.
"14 - S. Luke xxiii. 43.
"21 - Romans viii. 11.
"28 - Romans viii. 34.
Sept4 - 1 Thess. iv. 16.

The extra Evening Service is discontinued for the present until Michaelmas. The Vicar expects to be away from home for three or four Sundays, commencing August 21.

The annual excursion of Church Day School Managers and Teachers was held on July 23, when a party went to Dover. The Vicar has been elected a Vice-President of the Local Association.

The election of a new Parliament is always accompanied by the election of new Convocations in the two provinces of Canterbury and York - Canon Murray and the Rev. Alfred Whitehead are the new elected members or "proctors" for the Diocese.

It is worth remembering that the Convocations are far older than Parliament. The Saxon Witan was only composed of nobles, and did not meet till 1017 for all England, but a National Synod of Bishop and Clergy met in 673 at Hertford under Archbishop Theodore. The first elected House of Commons was in 1265, and the first election of parish Clergy to Convocation was in 1283.

The Registers of Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials in Hartlip Church commence in 1538, 454 years ago, and are in perfect order to the present day.