Churchyard Fund

Envelopes will be left at your home in the next few weeks to give you an opportunity to contribute to the upkeep of the churchyard. Please be generous. We have a long tradition of being one of the best kept churchyards in this area.



1. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Chambers wish to express warm thanks for the prayers, the visits and the gifts of many people. (including representatives of both Church and Chapel) during Mr. Chambers' recent illness. It has helped them both greatly.

2. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Allen would like to express their thanks for all the encouraging support they received for their whist drive on 16th February in aid of the Church Fabric Fund. They made £14 10s. 6d.


Young Wives' Fellowship

Recent meetings have shown a marked improvement in numbers. The coffee bar was packed to capacity on the 6th February, when we heard a lecture on seeds by Mr. Hull, whose interests cover many aspects of his subject from the archaeological to the technological.

On the 20th February we enjoyed a discussion evening which covered questions of educational, supernatural and medical interst. Also with regard to immigration, we were gratified to learn only two days later that the government had taken action on our proposals.

Future meetings include a visit to Maidstone Telephone Exchange on 5th March, when we shall leave by coach at 7 p.m. from the church. We also hope to have a lecture on Modern Art on 2nd April. A warm welcome to all ladies who would like to join with us.


Mothers' Union

Last month, as a change, we listened at the vicarage to a David Kossoff recording and the C.M.S. tape, in each case followed by discussion. In March we hope to join with others in Sittingbourne to see the film "Singapore Story", a stirring epic account of the last war.
