Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
March 1968 : page 4 (of 8)
Dear Friends,
During February the new experimental order of service for Holy Communion has been in use in the Parish Church. There is a committee in the Methodist Church working on a new Book of Offices. These are two more indications of the fact that everything seems to be changing in our society. We sometimes feel disgruntled that almost every traditional aspect of our lives is under review and we are constantly exhorted to try new things.
However we must not bury our heads in the sand and refuse to face the facts that the world is changing. The important thing is to distinguish between changes for the good and changes which are bad. Unfortunately there is a tendency for people to blindly welcome everything new because they are "modern" or to blindly reject everything new because they are "traditionalists".
In this season of Lent we are reminded that the church continually looks back to the life, death and resurrection of Christ. But we look back in order to discover anew for ourselves what God is like "yesterday, today and forever". We look back in order to discover what sort of life, worship and work God requires of us in the 20th century. So Christianity is a traditional religion; it is centred around past events. But it is concerned with the living God and, therefore, is vitally relevant to our lives here and now and must be expressed in contemporary terms.
Yours sincerely,
David Lapworth.
LENT, 1968 - Some arrangements
Sunday mornings - Visiting preachers at Mattins, as given in the March and April Calendars.
Sunday 6 evenins - Course of Sermons at Evensong, under the title of "Our Profession".
Wednesday mornings - Holy Communion at 9.30 a.m.
Wednesday evenings - Compline and Address, in church, at 7.30, followed by coffee and discussion at Vicarage for any who wish. There will be some visiting speakers and the theme will be "The 'Excepts' of Jesus".
Special reading matter and subjects for daily interecssion will be found in the church throughout Lent.
A Warm Welcome
To Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Killpartrick, from Coatbridge, Glasgow, who have come, to live with Mrs. Killpartrick, Snr., in the London Road.
To Mrs. McHaffey, who gained a 3rd for her Sabre in the Great Dane section at Crufts, 1968 Show. Also to Mr. Pounds, who was awarded a Reserve in the Golden Retriever section of Crufts.