Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
January 1967 : page 6 (of 8)
7.40 Group
After much practice our handbell-ringers produced some respectable rounds and five carols at the Gift Service in church. Following Evensong the whole group, singers and ringers, visited the wards at Keycol Hospital, managing to meet every request from the patients.
Please don't forget the A.G.M. after the Covenant Service on 8th January.
Mothers' Union
A Christmas party was held at the Vicarage on 15th December, by invitation of the Rev. and Mrs. Green, for M.U. members and their husbands. In the capable hands of our hosts, assisted by Christine Molore and Ann Williamson, a programme of entertainment, which included games requiring some considerable skill, was enjoyed by all. The evening concluded with light refreshments.
Women's Institute
A warm welcome was shown to our new President, Mrs. Ingle, and her Committee, by all the members who, after the usual business, took over the Meeting for the rest of the afternoon. Our congratulations go to Mrs. Jarrett and her assistants, for the most delicious tea, and various assortment of games and quizzes that followed. During the afternoon, Mrs. Leonard, who is now in charge of the monthly competitions, presented prizes to Mesdames Ingle, Whitehead, Wise and Kelvie, for the most number of entries during the year. Our thanks go to Mrs. Scott, who for so many years past has successfully run these competitions for us.
We, look forward to 1967 and January 10th, when Mrs. Langford will be speaking on "Interior Decorating."
Young Wives' Fellowship
On 6th December the Young Wives were entertained and instructed by Mr. Noble, chief telecommunications superintendent, and his projectionist, Mr. Bushnell. Two films were shown. "Business Connections" stressed the importance to business of an up-to-date, office exchange and the correct use of the telephone service. In the other, "Be telexpert", we saw how teleprinters and paper scored over the ordinary telephone in getting correct orders to any part of the world. There followed a short discussion on our personal problems in the use of the telephone. We are much indebted to Mr. Noble for explaining how calla are set up when we dial. We hope all Young Wives and their friends will be at the party on 3rd January and we wish everybody "A Happy New Year".