Our Sympathy

Goes to Mrs. Payne and other members of the family of Mr. George Payne, of Four Acre Cottages, who died suddenly last month. Only recently retired from the Sittingbourne Co-operative, Mr. Payne came of a bellringing family and had rung at Borden in his younger days.

Dr. Barnardo's

Benefitted by £15 from the Coffee Morning at the Vicarage. We were blessed by a warm, sunny morning; thank you, all those who supported it.

Harvest Supper

Tickets are printed and can be obtained from Mrs. Partridge and Messrs. Roots, Bob Pope and Moore. We hope that all who come to the supper will stay for the social afterwards. As last year it will be fairly short and consist more of entertainment than of organised games.


A further reminder that our Christmas Bazaar is on Saturday, 3rd December. There will be a meeting at the School on Wednesday, 12th October, at 7.30, of all those who are interested in helping in any way.

Jumble Sale

At 2.30 p.m. on Saturday, 22nd October, at the Village Hall, in aid of the Parish Magazine. If we are to continue to have a printed magazine we need funds. Please go through your drawers and ward robes and tell your friends about it. Any fruit, vegetables, or flowers will be welcomed on the Produce stall. Children's 'clothes are specially acceptable. Articles should be sent to the Vicarage or on Saturday morning to the Hall.

Appeal for Stamps

Did you know that since January, 1965, Christian Aid has raised nearly £500 from used British and overseas stamps? Providing the stamps are sent in, this can be an increasing income. Please send your stamps to me at the Vicarage, if possible, sorted into the following categories - British Commonwealth and ex-Commonwealth countries; Foreign; British Commemorative issues. Please note that ordinary British stamps are not now required.

Church Services - certain changes

May I suggest three small changes in our services of Holy Communion? First - that we all make the correct response after Our Lord's Summary of the Law, namely - Lord, have mercy upon us and incline our hearts to keep this law. Secondly, that we all say the Prayer of Humble Access together, whether, it is Parish Communion or 8 a.m. Communion. Thirdly - I propose to read the Epistle, from the New English Bible if the passage is at all difficult to understand. The Church Council are in agreement with these changes.
