ought they to be, duty or obedience (either to God or to our elders) or spontaneous desire to worship Almighty God? Opinion suggested that our attitude should contain something of each. Our secretary was pleased to receive £l from the accompanying Bring and Buy stall.


Young Wives' Fellowship

May 6th, Messrs. Hulburds Fashion Show.

Having been arranged for over a year, the Fashion Show was, surprisingly, not as well supported by members, as in previous years. However, the garments shown were carefully chosen, both in design and cost, to suit the average pocket. It is pleasant to see Ascot hats in magazines, and elsewhere, but hardly in keeping with the unsophisticated, unpretentious life of the woman whose interest revolves round her home and family. Our thanks go to Mrs. Thompson and the mannequins (unfortunately, their last visit to us), and to those members who attended.

May 19th, "Colour in the Home". Speaker: Mr. Holder (Messrs. Brewers of Chatham).

Members of Young Wives collaborated with Mr. Holder in the display which greeted us. Many samples of curtain material, gay in colour, profuse in pattern, and rich in texture, were brought by members, as an adjunct to some delightful wallpapers that were used by the speaker, to illustrate his talk. We were intrigued by the new Vynil range, rather dubious about some of the resurrected Victorian "roses round the door" designs, but many members made shrewd, pert, and (as the speaker and his colleague said afterwards) useful comments about various dicta concerning cold and warm colours, and the application of particular designs to particular rooms. May I thank those who contributed in any way, so keeping the fellowship of our group alive and vigorous.

Young Wives Fellowship Programmes for 1964/65 are on sale, price 3d.

June Meetings
2Variety of Activities.
16Garden Party at the Vicarage


Women's Institute

Mrs. Lawrence, presiding, began the May meeting by welcoming Mrs. Turner as a new member. It was announced that Mrs. Marshall's coffee morning was a great success, the sum of £4 12s. 6d. being raised for Federation funds, to which will also go the proceeds of Mrs. Partridge's tea party on 28th. Mrs. Lawrence thanked everyone who helped with the Hackney Old People's visit and all who contributed so generously with food, .... (cont)