Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
April 1944 : page 2 (of 4)
Vicarage Cottage,
23rd March, 1944.
My dear Friends,
Easter comes, with its spiritual message of the Risen Christ and is a reminder to us all that Christ overcame death and proved to us that death is not the end of life, but a gateway through which we must all pass in order to know the spiritual life hereafter. Death, far from being the end of us, is a new beginning. That part of us which we call "soul" - which is our true selves, character and personality - lives on after we have finished with the body. What a glorious assurance it is for us in war time, and especially when so many lives will be lost when the "Second Front" begins in Europe. A wonderful consolation for those bereaved at home, to know that their husband, son, or brother is not in a sense dead, - but living and is very much alive with God in what we have called Heaven. It is true that they are parted from us in this life, and it is a very sad experience, and with all in that position I give my heartfelt sympathy, but is not the message of the Risen Christ one which helps us most in that hour of trial and affliction? We are sure that those who believe in God continue to live with Him, and we can one day look forward to that re-union when we shall meet again, not here, but in our Eternal Home.
The Parochial Church Councils of both parishes have met during the last month, and have discussed certain matters of business and accepted the accounts which were already audited and signed. The dates of the Annual Parochial Meetings were fixed - Hartlip on Tuesday, 11th April, at 7.30 p.m. in the Schools; Newington on Wednesday, 12th April, at 7.30 P.M. in the Church Room. I hope that we shall see a real interest on the part of the parishioners for their Church affairs and have a good attendance, when all questions relating to the Church can be asked and discussed freely.
The times of the Church Services for Holy Week and Easter were published in last month's magazine as well as this issue, just in case some of you might get your magazine a little late. It is extremely difficult these days to guarantee the date of publication for a number of reasons; that is why I hope that all distributors will co-operate by delivering it as soon as it comes out. You will notice that the times of the Evening Services change on Easter Day - Newington, 6.15 p.m.; Hartlip, 7.30 p.m.
I hope that as many as possible will make the endeavour to bring just a few flowers or something towards the beautifying of God's House for the great festival of Easter. If the decorating is left to a few faithful ones, a work which is a pleasure very soon becomes too much and is irksome.
I should like to wish you all a Happy and Blessed Easter with its spiritual significance refreshing us in these difficult days.
With all Good Wishes,
Your very sincerely,
Vicarage Cottage,
23rd March, 1944.
My dear children,
Easter will soon be here and we shall all be keeping the holiday and having, I hope, a very happy time. In all your fun remember why we are keeping this great festival. It was because after Jesus Christ had been crucified on Good Friday He rose again on Easter Morning. He has proved to us that if we love Him and try to do His will we shall