Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
August 1942 : page 3 (of 4)
habits. What we must try and do is to make being careful a part of our lifelong characters.
I am sure some of you will be interested and will laugh when I tell you that one of my rabbits went off for a walk on his own and did not come back. He must have got out during the night and wandered off, for in the morning he was not in the hutch. I realised when it was too late that I had not shut the hutch carefully enough the night before. It has taught me a lesson to be more careful in the future. It's a pity we so often have to make a mistake first before we are very careful about certain things. You must try and learn a lesson from my misfortune, and always be careful, no matter what you are doing.
I have not seen any increase in the Sunday School attendance since my remarks in last month's magazine. I know that some of you are going camping at week-ends, others are going out, but whatever you do, you must remember that Sunday is God's Day, and use it in the right way. Too often we forget to keep Sunday as we should, and very soon if we are not careful we shall take no notice of it at all. Some of the older boys and girls will perhaps set an example to the younger, or else we shall find that the younger ones are setting the older the example, which is the wrong way round.
I am very grateful to the boys and girls who attend to the flowers in the Children's Corner at Newington. I do hope that you will always take a pride in doing it when it is your turn, not because you want your flowers to be better than someone else's, but that you want to make it as beautiful as you can because it is a part of God's House.
With all good Wishes,
Your very sincerely,
I should like to remind all those who are knitting for the Forces that garments are very urgently needed.
Please do your utmost to knit as quickly as possible and return all finished articles to me at the earliest opportunity.
Many are knitting, but there are even more women who could do just a little, and many hands make light work.
Remember that this small effort is the very least we women can do, for the men who are doing so much for us.
Do your part and ask for wool at any time.
July 5th - David Arthur Neat.
" 19th - Eric Henry Coachman.
" 26th - Brian Frank Whiting.
July 5th - Valerie Jill Volley.
" 5th - Michael John Dadson.
" 26th - Alan Frederick Hollands
July 18th - Ronald Leigh Rossiter and Betty Rains.
" 22nd - Alfred Dennis Norton and Hazel Eva Leeds Collins.
" 25th - Charles Edward Gransden and Joyce Margaret Cogger.
July 11th - Jane Prior, aged 64.
" 25th - Edith Styles, aged 68.
" 25th - Charles William White, aged 35.
Aug. 2nd - Miss V. Osborne.
" 9th - The Misses Brittenden.
" 16th - Mrs. T. Ledger.
" 23rd - Miss Bishenden.
" 30th - Mrs. Deacon.
Sept. 6th - Mrs. Ivory.
A Caretaker-Verger for the Schools and Church at Newington and also at Hartlip. Applications should be sent to the Vicar.