Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
September 1940 : page 2 (of 2)
Holly Bank,
My dear Friends,
We all join in extending our very sincere good wishes to Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Dadson (Kathleen E. Philpot) on the occasion of their recent marriage. The very best of good wishes to you both.
The Morning Services for the month of September will be at the same time as usual, but it will be necessary to hold Evening Service at 3.30 commencing on Sunday, Sept. 1st.
As there are five Sundays in September Mr. Mutter has very kindly promised to be responsible for the 8 a.m. and the 11 a.m. services on the last Sunday. His kindness will have a two-fold effect - it will prevent our Newington-Hartlip programme being thrown out of order. It will also enable me to take a full day's services at Newington. That is the day we, in Newington, are setting apart for our Harvest Thanksgiving Services.
Will it be possible to hold the Hartlip Harvest Thanksgiving Services ell the following Sunday, October 6th? I think so.
Most, if not all of you, will know that Sunday, Sept. 8th, is to be held as a Day of National Prayer. Very appropriately we of the British Empire are joining with the members of that other great Democracy - the American Nation - in a Day of Prayer. International Prayer, I think we may call it.
Haste the day when every country and nation in the world may be ready to join together in Prayer and Thanksgiving to the Great King of all Kings.
In a very few days we shall be stepping into the second year of war. Despite the many setbacks and heavy blows we have received, during the past year, we can, and do, face the future with Faith, Resolution, and Courage, fully realising there are still very, very many things for which we can be thankful.
We can be and are very grateful to those men and women of the various Forces.
We are indeed grateful to those men of the R.A.F. for their wonderful endurance and courage, especially during the past few weeks.
To those men of the Army, the Navy, the Mine Sweepers, the Trawlers, and to those men who carry on their work, almost unnoticed; the men of the Merchant Service, who, despite mines, torpedoes, bombs, and storms, have kept our larders stocked.
To the men and women in the many Voluntary Services, and to the men and women in the factories. We "THANK YOU."
I am sure the troops would be very grateful for gifts of reading matter - Books, magazines, etc.
We can guarantee that any man or woman who happens to be living in Hartlip will not go short of comforts when the winter months come along. That is one little way in which we can show our appreciation and express our thanks.
Don't forget the two dates - Sept. 8th, "Day of National Prayer," and October 6th, Harvest Thanksgiving.
Best Wishes to all
Your sincerely,
Aug. 17th. - Herbert French Dadson and Kathleen Eveline Philpot.