The Rev. A. C Trench will be Instituted and Installed as the new Vicar of Hartlip on Monday, November 21st instant, by His Lordship the Bishop of Dover in the Parish Church.

All parishioners and friends are earnestly invited to be present. Time, 6.30 p.m.

A reception will follow after the Service in the Schoolroom, when the Churchwardens will introduce the new Vicar, Mrs. Trench, and Miss Trench.


My dear Friends,

I have already written my farewell letter as Vicar in last month's magazine, but I take this opportunity to express on behalf of Mrs. Mutter and myself our warmest gratitude to those of you who kindly presented us with the splendid radio set. We have never possessed such before and it will give us very great pleasure in the future to be able to enjoy the speeches, news, and musical items which are broadcast day by day. Especially we thank Mrs. Locke for the kind words she expressed on your behalf when making the presentation. Her good wishes are heartily reciprocated by us to all of you. Thank you, one and all. We have taken up our abode at "Roseneath" and are settling in very happily except our cat which has not taken very kindly to the new home as yet.

Your faithfully,



"Palestine in Sittingbourne" was a great success. Those who attended found it most educative and interesting. Especially the illustrated costume lectures by Miss Hammond roused keen enthusiasm. Hartlip was represented by our stewards at the Court of the Rock hewn Tomb. A number of the members of our Mothers' Union went on the special Mothers' Union day. Thanks go out, too, to those who contributed refreshments.


The Matron and Hospital Ladies' Committee have written to thank those of you who gave gifts for the Hospital Pound Day. Altogether about 3,358 pounds of various kinds of edibles, many useful gifts, and the sum of £24/10/0 in money were received. Voluntary supported hospitals always find it a struggle to keep going efficiently and such help as you have given is always welcome.


The members met for their quarterly Service in the Church on October 25th, when the Vicar gave a short farewell address. Following this the annual meeting was held at the Vicarage, and Mrs. Mutter was elected as Hon. Secretary for the time being. Mrs. Trench will be offered the position of Enrolling Member at the next meeting. Mrs. Mutter provided tea for the members at the conclusion.

The next day the Corporate Communion was helds in the Chapel at 9 a.m.


The Members and Candidates assembled for their first meeting of the winter session on November 2nd. They are again to dress dolls for poor orphans. They look forward to happy and instructive meetings.

We have said "Goodbye" to Mr. Dick Ongley and his family with regret. Mr. and Mrs. Ongley have been regular attendants at our services. He was a sidesman and Bernard was a chorister. The family are now settled in Cheshire.


Oct. 23 — Valerie, daughter of Harry Michael and Nora Lillian Vening.