Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
October 1938 : page 2 (of 2)
My dear People,
With this month of October my work as Vicar of Hartlip ceases. The Reverend A. C. Trench, who succeeds me, probably will not be Inducted and Instituted to the Cure until the beginning of December. The Ecclesiastical Law orders that a new Incumbent's Name must be posted up on the Church Notice Board for one month after the resignation of his predecessor has taken effect. This is in order that if any real objection to his character can be made, that objection shall be heard and considered by the Bishop of the Diocese. It is the safeguard against an unworthy appointment to so important a post is the Cure (care) of Souls in a parish.
I have offered, therefore, to be responsible for all services to the Churchwardens for the month of November, and they have asked me to do so and save them the difficulty of getting clergy to officiate during the short vacancy, which is inevitable. It is just possible that Mr. Trench, who is free to come at once, may get bishop's sanction to act as locum tenens, but he he will not be Vicar until he is instituted and inducted in December. The Churchwardens are responsible for services being maintained during the interregnum. As my wife and I will be continuing to reside in Hartlip I am glad to do what I can keep the Church organisation going. We move into "Roseneath" by the 31st of October. It will seem strange at first, no doubt, to be living there with no official position. Yet most of you will understand that physical disability has led to my resignation. Lameness, caused by osteo-arthritis, has prevented me from getting about the village as freely as I should have liked. I cannot walk without some pain. This, I trust, I have never obtruded upon you at any time, and I only mention it now by way of explanation, thanking you for the forbearance you have shown to my limitations. I must add this, that but for the splendid help my wife has always given and the self-sacrifice of time she has made for the parish work, I could not have continued here as long as I have done. It is my last letter as Vicar, but it is not "Farewell." We shall take our place as members of the congregation, and I trust maintain the warm friendships we have each found so pleasant in this village, and perhaps still be useful in various ways in connection with Church and village. Our life at the Vicarage has been very happy, and we should be hardly human if we left without some regrets at going from a home and garden we have grown to love.
To one and all of you I ask for forgiveness of my failures and shortcomings. I have tried to serve you sincerely as your Parish Priest.
Soon I hand over to my successor the reins of office. Mr. Trench is an old friend who knew me when I could run and get about very differently from what you have known. He is active and zealous. No, doubt he may make changes and use methods different from mine. No two men are alike. I am sure we shall all back him up loyally, determined to support the old Church, anxious to see it prosper, and keen to make it a living force in our spiritual life and rendering to God the glory. We shall, I am confident, give him and Mrs. Trench and their daughter a warm welcome in our midst, and pray that his ministry here may be richly blessed.
Your sincerely,
Sept. 25th - John Arnold, son of Doctor N. Norman and Ngaire Viola Porterfield.
This is being held in the Holy Trinity Hall, Sittingbourne, from October 5th to the 12th inclusive. Do not miss attending it. It is wonderfully instructive; it helps greatly in learning of the land which Jesus Christ trod on this earth, the land of the Bible. It opens daily at 2.30 p.m., and closes at 9.30 p.m. Refreshments will be on sale. Many kinds of instructive literature will be sold there, and the exhibits are most interesting. Lectures will be given and displays by local people of Eastern life in the form of plays and tableaux. Admission 6d. Handbook 3d. Hartlip is sending Stewards for the "Rock Tomb" Court. Our Vicar is Chairman for the Opening on the Saturday.
This was held on Sunday, October 2nd. Large congregations attended. The Church looked very lovely with its decorations. All minds were filled with thankfulness for Peace. The Crisis was past. Relief filled every heart. There is no need to say more here, for all have followed recent happenings. God answered the fervent prayers of His people, and our gratitude was summed up in the singing of the Te Deum that night before the altar. The gifts have been sent to the Sittingbourne Hospital.
This magazine was delayed in publication owing to the Crisis in the last week of September. The Editor waited in order to know what was comining in such an anxious period.