My dear People,

At the last Parochial Church Council Meeting, the subject of lighting our Church with electricity came up, and it was decided that enquiries should he made as to the cost of an installation. When specifications and prices are obtained we shall consider whether we can proceed at once with this improvement. We all know what a boon it would be to have the new lighting and to be able to discard oil lamps. As mentioned in the last Magazine we started a fund for the purpose, and the Treasurer has now a sum of £10 in hand towards this. Six pounds were made at a Jumble Sale held in the Schoolroom on October 30th, which is included in the sum just mentioned. I have to thank the donors of goods at the sale and the helpers who made such a success of it.

It was a great pleasure to have a visit on the 17th ultimo from the Bishop of Dover. He kindly celebrated at 8 a.m., and preached at 11 a.m. In the afternoon he came to the Children's Service and spoke to the young people and gave us all his Blessing. He was able to shake hands with a few he had recently confirmed, and gave them a word of encouragement.

As I write we are expecting to have the first service (for the winter months) of our Mothers' Union. The Reverend W. J. Wright, the new Vicar of Lower Halstow, is coming to give the opening address.

The School Trustees have had improvements done to the Bungalow in Flowerdowne Orchard. A solid concrete path has been laid down in the front so that Mrs. Hales will not have so much mud brought to her doors by visitors.

Mrs. Ash Lee (Mollie Carpenter Hales) has had her first novel accepted by the publishers, Messrs. Methuen and Co. It is to be published in February next, and is entitled "The Cat and the Medal." We congratulate Mr. and Mrs. Hales on their daughter's success.

Mrs. Locke has made a violet Burse and Veil for use at the Holy Communion Service, to replace one that was worn shabby. She is also making a new red set for the Church. We are grateful for this help.

St. Andrew's Day falls on the 30th of this month, when the Anglican Communion turns her prayers towards the Missionary work of Church throughout the world.

I should like to get a Missionary Circle again meeting this year, if some of you will join. Will you give me your names if you would like to come? We would then have the meetings at the Vicarage.

Your sincerely,



The Girls have resumed their gatherings on Wednesdays. They are meeting earlier this year so that the younger ones can get home in good time. Once more they are all dressing dolls which Mrs. Mutter has bought for the purpose. When dressed prizes will be given for the ones the judges think most deserving. Then the dolls will be despatched to gladden the hearts of very poor London children and orphans.

The Church Bells are not ringing at present owing to the serious illness of Mr. Denson.