My Dear People,

We have just kept our Dedication Festival and the Harvest Thanksgiving. The services were well attended, and the choir did well in their music, and the Church was beautifully decorated. I have to thank the Reverend C. E. Payne for coming to preach on September 29th.

The Bishop of Dover - Dr. Rose - is coming for the morning service on Sunday, October 17th, and I hope you will all try and be present to welcome him on his first public visit to us.

The Rev. T. A. Brooke has been in very poor health since he came to reside here. He is leaving his house this month to reside elsewhere, as he and Mrs. Brooke could not find a permanent residence in Hartlip. I went to the induction of his successor at Lower Halstow on September 27th.

Mrs. Hales has returned home, and is slowly regaining her health, following her operation in hospital. Miss Pilcher is assisting at the School meanwhile. It is good to know the number of scholars has increased, chiefly in the Infant department. The number on our Roll is nearly forty.

The Trustees have had the school buildings thoroughly renovated during the holidays, and the children returned to find themselves in bright and cheerful surroundings.

I am sorry to have to write and say that Mr. Denson is very ill. This accounted for the absence of bell ringing at our Festivals. He is a little better as I write, and we hope he will soon be restored to his former health.

Mr. Osborne Hollands, the Captain of our Bellringers, has also been on the sick list, but is better again. This reminds me that we need one or two more ringers. Two have left Hartlip, and we should like to replace them. Any volunteers would be instructed by one of the members of our team. There is an art in bellringing, and it takes practice to be a good ringer.

The new Bishop of Croydon is to be consecrated on Monday, October 18th, in Canterbury Cathedral.

The winter sessions of the parish are now re-starting, and the dates are given below.

Your sincerely,



Sept. 29th - Sarah Alice Joan, daughter of Oswald James Ritchie and Helen Joan Orr.

Oct. 3rd - (privately) - Peter John, son of Alec Julian and Rosemary Jean Tyndale Biscoe.


Oct. 6th - Peter John Tyndale Biscoe, aged six weeks.

The offerings at the Harvest Festivial amounted to just over £4, which has been given to St. Bartholomew's Hospital, Rochester.


A sale will be held at the Vicarage, on Saturday afternoon, at 2.30, on October 30th. The proceeds will be devoted towards building up a fund to instal electric light in our Church. We are trying to get this fund without entrenching on the ordinary offerings in the Church, and already we have a small sum in the Post Office Savings Bank for the purpose. We had to plunge into debt over a year ago when expensive repairs were needed on the Church and Lychgate. As soon as we are out of debt we must concentrate on getting the Church better lit.

Mrs. Mutter will be glad of gifts for the Sale, and will fetch and store them at the Vicarage.


Meetings for the girls will begin on October 20th, in the School, at 5.45 p.m.


It has been decided that the members meet on the first Thursday in the month, starting on November 4th. The meetings will be in the Church at 2.15 p.m. Those who belong to the Fellowship will then be able to go on to the Hall for their own gathering. Our meetings will not be for longer than thirty minutes probably. It will thus save members having to come out twice in the same week.


Mrs. Noble asks us to inform the members that meetings will start in the Parish Hall on October 14th, at 2.30 p.m.