My dear People,-

This is an important letter. As most of you will know our Archbishops and the Leaders of other denominations are calling Christian people to dedicate themselves afresh to God on the Sunday before the Coronation takes place.

Our King and Queen will lead the way at their own Coronation which is before everything for them a dedication of themselves to God and His service for the good of the subjects they are called to rule over. The best way we can keep the Coronation is by joining ourselves in dedication with our Monarch. We ought all to be conscious of our national need. Can we expect the blessing of God if we ignore Him? If disasters come we are quick to self pity and complaint; are we thankful enough for the blessings we richly enjoy in this land? Let us be serious and face the question. Do not think of others, but of yourself. Ask yourself honestly, Am I doing my duty to my God? If not, have I any right to expect the favour of the Almighty?

It is a tremendous call and a great privilege to join with those of our Nation who make the Christian Response. Therefore, make no excuses, but determine you will play your part on this occasion. The decision rests with you, and the responsibility is yours.

On May 9th a special service will be held at 11 a.m. in preparation for the Evening Service at 6.30 p.m., when the prayers of self-dedication will be offered. Special authorised forms are printed and will be provided for the congregation. Some do not attend usually at the Evening Service, but on this occasion the Archbishop hopes all will do so for the sake of unity and fellowship, and to bear the witness which is a solemn duty on such an occasion. The call is from our great leaders - let us be loyal and make a true response.

Your sincerely,


P.S. - There is not space to print an account of Easter Services or the Annual Meeting this month, but some will be interested to know the children gave a nice lot of eggs for the Sittingbourne Hospital, and sent 16/9 as their Lenten savings to the Waifs' and Strays' Society.


The Lord Bishop of Dover held a Confirmation Service on April 21st in the Newington Church, when the Vicar presented the following

candidates:- Albert Stephen George Harris, Gerald Alfred Whitehead, Robert Norman Fennemore, Albert Edward Hamson, Kathleen Mary Read, and Winifred Gertrude Kitchingham. It is hoped these young people will make their first Communion on Whit-Sunday, the birthday of the Church.


April 24th - Charles Mannerings to Daisy Agnes Bowles.

April 28th - Richard Hubert Sams to Elizabeth Ann Godfrey Faussett-Osborne.


All residents in this parish should have received a programme of the local arrangements for this day.

Service will be held at 10.30 a.m. in the Parish Church, lasting about twenty minutes. This will be followed by the Broadcast from Westminster Abbey, and the Archbishop thinks the actual service, beginning at 11 a.m. will last about two hours. All are heartily invited to hear the service as relayed in our Church.


The Summer Festival will be held at Sheerness, on Thursday, May 27th.


A jumble sale and stalls by the Women's Fellowship and G.F.S. takes place in the Parish Hall on Saturday, the 29th, at 3.30 p.m.


May 5th - Festal Evensong at 7.30.

May 6th - H.C. 7 a.m. and 10 a.m., Children's Service 9 a.m.

Whit-Sunday. - Holy Communion 7, 8, and 11 a.m.