My dear People,-

This has to be written before Easter in order that it may be published at the beginning of the month. I have written details of the Coronation Services and other doings for the day so that the local Committee may let you know, as far as possible, their plans.

Thanks go out to the Rev. H. Bradburn, Vicar of Milton Regis, for kindly coming and preaching a course of Lenten addresses which were most acceptable. I was only sorry we had such a series of dark, wet nights.

Your sincerely,



The next Corporate Communion will be at 9 a.m. on April 6th, Tuesday. On this day all the Branches throughout the world join in Communion, and it is hoped all members will endeavour to be present.

A Meeting was held on March 9th, when Mrs. W. H. Luck was made a member and Miss Harriss and Miss Wadham were made associates. The same workers were elected to serve on the Rural Deanery Council, viz., Mesdames Mutter, Kitchingham, and Woodcock.

On the following Friday a number of our members went to Sittingbourne to the Lenten Rural Deanery Service.


The School re-opens on 12th April. Whit-Monday will be a holiday and, of course, the Coronation Day and the day after. The June holiday is from June 18th to July 5th. The Bank Holiday, August 2nd, also.

The School closes for its long holiday on Tuesday, August 24th, and re-opens on Monday, September 27th.

Note. — The Medway Education Board informs the Managers that the pupils who are to start this year at the Rainham Central School must take their holiday, beginning the 2nd of August and start at Rainham on September 13th.


A local Committee has been set up representative of the whole village, and Colonel Boyall has been appointed Chairman, Mrs. Cook at the School House, Honorary Treasurer, and Mr. S. D. Hollands at the Post Office as Honorary Secretary.

Sub-Committees have been formed to deal with the details of the proposed celebrations.

The King's printers are issuing the authorised services to be used at the time and will publish them on April 5th.

Full details will be issued of these in good time. On the Coronation Day the official service will be held in our Church previous to the time of the actual Coronation which starts at 11 a.m. As suggested by the Archbishop, we are to have a loudspeaker in the Church, kindly provided by Mr. Horace Grensted, so that any who so desire can listen in and hear the doings at the Coronation as they are relayed by the B.B.C. The Archbishop feels that many might prefer this way of listening to any other, and so the Churches in the country will be linked up in this special manner with Westminster Abbey, where the great doings take place. All are heartily welcome to attend.

In the afternoon a Procession will leave the School (many in fancy dress, it is hoped) and go to the playing field. Here Sports will be the order of the day for that afternoon.

A tea with presentation of mugs as souvenirs will be given the youngsters in the Hall. An anonymous friend has already presented mugs for distribution.

Following this, there will be a tea for adults in the Hall, to which the residents of Hartlip are warmly being invited.

There will be also Sports and Prizes for adults.

As soon as it is dark enough, there will be a monster bonfire and fireworks in Mr. Wakeley's field at the bottom of Hollow Lane.

Now, all will wish for a fine day.

Subscriptions, large and small, are asked for and can be paid to the Treasurer, Secretary, and the other authorised collectors.

A full programme is to be issued to all residents before the time.

The Confirmation will be at Newington Church on April 21st at 7.30 p.m.