My Dear People,

This month brings Christmas again - the season of goodwill. I wish you one and all a Merry Christmas. The services are printed elsewhere. Do not let the day go by without remembering how we come to keep this Festival. It is the birthday of our Saviour, Jesus Christ, born in Bethlehem's stable. We should greet the day by first joining in worship like the shepherds at the manger throne. The services on that morning are arranged to suit the convenience of all. Christmas is no true Christmas if Christ finds no place in our joys. "O come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord."

The Mothers' Union Committee collected 14/6 for the Sittingbourne Moral Welfare Association. Miss Bates, the local agent, has gone to the Exeter Diocese to do similar work to that done in Sittingbourne and Sheerness, and I hear that owing to the difficulty of supporting such a worker, the Association is joining with Faversham. This will ease the financial strain, and one hopes the task of the new worker will not be more than she is able to cope with.

I have also to convey the thanks of the Matron and Committee of the Sittingbourne Hospital for what Hartlip did on "Pound Day." From the whole Sittingbourne District the Hospital received about 2,705 lbs. of various kinds of eatables, many useful gifts, and the sum of £23/1/0.

Our choristers will visit you to sing carols. What you give is divided amongst the lads according to the attendances they have made. The bellringers also collect before the New Year, and give us a chance of acknowledging their work in the belfry.

Your sincerely,


Thomas Gerald Denson.
Entered into rest November 8th, 1937.

On Armistice Day the funeral took place of one whom this village will sorely miss. The late T. Gerald Denson was a kind neighbour to all, a loyal supporter of the Church, and a generous giver to all good works. His parents, who had resided at Queendown Warren, had won the respect and esteem of Hartlip years ago, and the beautiful east window in the Lady Chapel is a continual memorial of them. It was therefore a great pleasure when Hartlip heard four years ago that their son and his wife had purchased land in the village and were building a new home with the intention of living here. A warm welcome was extended as they came into residence. Immediately both entered into the interests of village, church, parish hall, and schools. The late Mr. Denson became Church Treasurer, Vestry man, a Mary Gibbon Charity Trustee, a Parish Hall Committeeman, and took his place on other local

committees set up from time to time. Regret is felt that he was not spared to continue longer amongst us. Our friend was never robust, but was delicate from boyhood. Those who knew him intimately realised how, under that quiet and modest personality, ever gentle and courteous, existed a determined spirit resolved to do what he felt was for the uplift of his fellows. He was eminently practical, seldom talked of himself nevertheless he exerted a real power of Christian goodness. God has called him to higher service. His memory will be cherished. To his widow goes out a great volume of sympathy in her loss. The funeral was a witness of the wide esteem in which her loved one was held - Requiescat in pace.


Christmas holidays begin on Friday, the 24th and the School reassembles on Monday, January 10th. The Managers wish to thank Miss Pilcher for the help she has given during the last few months, and extend their good wishes for her future. Mrs. Hales expects to resume her duties in the New Year.


The girls have been busy dressing dolls for orphans, sick, and poor children. Their work will be judged in the Schoolroom on December 8th. Parents and friends are invited to come and see what clever little knitters we have. Time, 7 p.m.


Two are being prepared for. Look out for posters for dates. The performers are the Women's Fellowship, the G.F.S., a party from Stockbury, and a television exhibition; also a cinema show of coloured pictures of local interest. The proceeds will be for the District Nursing Fund and Parish Hall Debt extinction.

The Vicar and Mrs. Mutter hope to entertain the Choirmen and Bellringers on Tuesday, January 4th, at 7.15 p.m. at the Vicarage.

The Christmas Sunday School Party will be on Thursday, December 30th, at 5 p.m., in the Schoolroom. Parents and friends are invited to witness the prizegiving, etc., at 6.45 p.m.


Dec. 25th - Holy Communion at 6.30 a.m., 8 a.m., and at the 11 o'clock service.

26th - Holy Communion at 8; Matins at 11; Children's Service, 3; Evensong and Carols, 6.30 p.m.


Nov. 11th - Thomas Gerald Denson, aged 61 years.

Will those who have Missionary boxes please hand them in to the Vicar by the 24th of December?

The next Mothers' Union meeting will be in the Church on Thursday, December 9th, at 2 p.m.