Hartlip Parish Magazine - on-line archive
October 1936 : page 2 (of 2)
My dear People,
By the time this is in your hands our Dedication Festival will have passed. Thanks go out to the Vicar of Teynham for coming to address us, and it was most good of the Choirs of Teynham to journey over and augment our Choir for the occasion.
Our own Choir returned the compliment by travelling to Teynham for their Harvest Festival on October 1st.
As already announced in the last month's magazine, our own Harvest Thanksgiving will he on Sunday, October 4th. The list of services was given then. I hope we may have large congregations to join in the services.
In the Diocesan Notes given with this magazine you can read an interesting article on the legal position governing our old Churchyards. The rules for a Churchyard are different to those of a public cemetery. It is well for parishioners to understand the law.
The Day School is due to re-open on Sept. 28th. The Trustees have had the exterior of our buildings re-painted and various improvements and renewals effected, both to the Schools themselves and the School House. Unfortunately, the bricks used in building the house were of inferior quality, being porous and admitting damp. It is hoped this defect will now have been remedied.
Mr. Grensted would like to get more boys in the Choir. The musical training is alone worth having, and the knowledge is of value in after life. Regular attendance at practises and services is necessary if the Choir is to do itself justice, for none can do credit to music they have not learnt thoroughly by practise.
The Gardeners are having their Annual Show and Sale on Saturday, October 10th in the Village Hall. Mr. Walter Hills is the Secretary. The financial proceeds are to be sent as usual to the Hospitals.
What a lot of illness there seems to be in world. St. Bartholomew's, at Rochester, gets more applicants for beds than they can cope with. Sittingbourne is considering the enlargement of their Hospital. It is the question of finance that delays the matter. At Maidstone the same difficulty confronts the Governors.
Captain Mark has resumed his former work pro. tem. as our Church Treasurer during absence of Mr. Denson, who has gone with Mrs. Denson on a Mediterranean cruise.
Your sincerely,
Sept. 17th - June Hazel, daughter of Henry and Ivy Andrew.
A "Quiet Day" for the Deanery workers was held on the 28th ultimo. The Vicar conducted this.
Sixteen of our Branch have arranged to go to the Albert Hall, London, on November 4th to witness the M.U. Diamond jubilee Pageant. The train leaves Newington Station at 11.31 a.m. and the Pageant starts at 2.30 p.m. 7.20 p.m. the train leaves Victoria Station for home, and is due at Newington at 8.54 p.m.
A meeting of our Branch will he held this month to inaugurate the winter session. The date will be sent to all members.
The Open Meeting will be on Wednesday October 21st, at 6 p.m. Former and any new Candidates will be welcomed.